20 February 2011

"One Two Theme!" Reading Challenge

While flipping through the blog-o-sphere the other day, I happened upon a reading challenge.  You should know, of course, that I'm always up for a good challenge--when books and reading are involved.  I'm taking on my church group reading project this year as well, so...I probably SHOULDN'T take on another project. But, I can't help myself.

Here's how this one works: (info from One, Two, Theme!)

The idea of the challenge is to read about specific topics that interest you, in various degrees of detail. For theme 1 you'll read one book, for theme 2 you'll read two books, for theme 3 you'll read three books and so on. The only rules are these:

The Challenge will run throughout 2011, but feel free to already sign up.

1. You should have a minimum of 3 themes/3 levels, so a minimum of 6 books. You decide how many levels above that you want to go. Feel free to have more than one topic per level.

2. For themes that require more than one book (so all except the first one) you need to read at least one each of fiction and non-fiction.

Here are the themes that I'm considering (as well as my preliminary books):

  1. Pakistani Culture
  2. Nazi Resistance
  3. Female Psychology
  4. Tudor Court
  5. The 1960s
We'll see how it goes! I always enjoy a good challenge.  I picked a couple of books that I own but have never had the chance to read.  Now I'm forcing myself to get to them!!


  1. Soooo glad you've decided to join, and with such cool themes! I'm especially interested in your Tudor theme - it has fascinated me as well. Still have The Six Wives of Henry VIII in my TBD.

    Re. the 60s, I've read The Help and loved it, and have heard a lot about The Postmistress.

    Re. Pakistan, A good friend of mine told me that after reading Three Cups of Tea she just HAD to donate to the project, so i expect it's a great inspiring story!

  2. Soooo glad you've decided to join, and with such cool themes! I'm especially interested in your Tudor theme - it has fascinated me as well. Still have The Six Wives of Henry VIII in my TBD.

    Re. the 60s, I've read The Help and loved it, and have heard a lot about The Postmistress.

    Re. Pakistan, A good friend of mine told me that after reading Three Cups of Tea she just HAD to donate to the project, so i expect it's a great inspiring story!


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