20 April 2011

Hunger Games Casting: Take 5

Just a quick post to introduce you to the newest members of The Hunger Games cast!

Willow Shields as Primrose Everdeen!

I'm glad they have started casting lesser known actors for this movie.  It's nice.  Willow isn't QUITE what I envisioned for Prim, but I think they'll make it work.


  1. I love all your Hunger Games casting posts. I've been following the news a little more closely than I care to admit... good to know I'm not the only one. :)
    She doesn't look quite as sweet/innocent as I'd pictured Prim but maybe it's just that picture?

  2. I can't wait to see this one. I think she can work as Prim... I suppose we'll see.
    Brandi from Blkosiner’s Book Blog

  3. I totally agree. I feel like she COULD work, but she's still not who I was expecting as Prim! I found your blog on New Books for New Bloggers (I'm a member too), and I wanted to drop by and say welcome to the community! New follower!
    feel free to stop by my blog!
    XO, Al @Magnet4Books <3

  4. She's quite sweet, I think she'll work... though, as Kathy said, not quite as sweet as I saw Prim.
    I'm so behind on my HG casting, I'm surfing all your posts on it! ;) Thanks for the posts!!

  5. I can't wait to see this one. I think she can work as Prim... I suppose we'll see.
    Brandi from Blkosiner’s Book Blog

  6. I love all your Hunger Games casting posts. I've been following the news a little more closely than I care to admit... good to know I'm not the only one. :)
    She doesn't look quite as sweet/innocent as I'd pictured Prim but maybe it's just that picture?


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