25 April 2011

Hunger Games Casting: Take 6

I'm a little late on this one, so most people already know!  However, I couldn't NOT blog about it after all my other posts (and my borderline obsession with this casting...in case you hadn't figured that out yet).

We have our Mrs. Everdeen!

Paula Malcomson

I'm going to go ahead and give this casting a "thumbs up" because to be quite honest  she looks exactly how I imagined Mrs. Everdeen. Beyond her looks, I know nothing about her as an actor. She has a lot of acting credits on her resume though and I don't doubt that she'll probably do a decent job. 

Now...for a casting RUMOR...


John C. Reilly

I'm not sure what to say about this yet...other than he wouldn't be my first choice.  I thought there were a decent number of actors with potential for this part (and my vote still goes to Hugh Laurie *sigh*)...and I have to be honest and say Reilly didn't come up.  

Thoughts? Who are you still waiting on?


  1. Team HUGH! I'm not a fan of Reilly. At all. Hopefully it IS just a rumor lol

  2. ughhh I don't like John Reilly. Oh well. New Follower and fellow member of New Books for New Bloggers!



  3. I have to agree with both of you about Reilly. The more I think about it...the more disappointed I get. I hope it's just a rumor! *fingers crossed*

    @Angie - Thanks for stopping by!

  4. I agree. Hugh Laurie should definitely get the part. Or maybe Kiefer Sutherland... don't know why he just popped in my head.

  5. I have to agree with both of you about Reilly. The more I think about it...the more disappointed I get. I hope it's just a rumor! *fingers crossed*

    @Angie - Thanks for stopping by!

  6. Team HUGH! I'm not a fan of Reilly. At all. Hopefully it IS just a rumor lol


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