04 April 2011

In My Mailbox (2)

"In My Mailbox" is a weekly meme hosted by Kristi of The Story Siren, where book bloggers can share the wealth of books we picked up this past week--whether they were bought, borrowed, or obtained in some other way!

This week is definitely lighter than last.  I'm still not reading much because of my Lenten pledge, but I couldn't stop myself from picking a few books up at the library this weekend!

Borrowed from my public library:

Sweethearts by Sara Zarr
Green by Laura Peyton Roberts
Oh. My. Gods. by Tera Lynn Childs
The Truth About Forever by Sarah Dessen

Won from the Goodreads Firstreads program:

The Journey by Wanda Brunstetter

That's all I have for this week! Add those to the never-ending reading list. :-)

As a side note,  I am considering giving up with my Lenten pledge of no pleasure reading.  It feels dumb to quit, lol. I originally did it to support my husband and I don't think that he needs the support as much now that he is so near the end.  However, I know that if I quit, he'll hound me FOR-EV-ER.  Just thinking about it.  I was considering giving "x" amount of money to my church for every book that I read between now and Easter.  Thoughts?  Ah, well, until next time...



  1. The Truth About Forever has a great cover! When is your Lenten Pledge up?

  2. Never seen that version of the Truth About Forever, but I love it! I have to read that book!
    Amazing week! Happy reading!

    And thanks for the return follow! (:

  3. @Shirley, my Lenten pledge is until April 23. Three more weeks of very limited reading!

    @BookAddictedFirl, no problem! I'm enjoying your reviews!

  4. Sarah Dessen has a way of writing stories that just resonate with me. My favorite so far is "Just Listen," but I want to read all of hers, eventually. Hope you enjoy all those books!


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