05 May 2011

YA Book Review: Tempestuous by Lesley Livingston

Tempestuous by Lesley Livingston
© 21 December 2010 by HarperTEen

Goodreads description:
"I don't love Sonny Flannery."
That's the lie Kelley Winslow told to protect the boy she loves from a power he doesn't know he possesses. Devastated, Sonny retreats—to a haven for Lost Fae that's hidden deep underneath New York City. 
But Kelley's not about to let things end in heartbreak. To get Sonny back, she's got to find out who's after his magick—and how to use her own. She's got to uncover who's recruiting Janus Guards to murderously hunt innocent Faerie. She's got to help rebuild the shattered theater company she called family. And she's got to do it all without getting dangerously distracted by the Fennrys Wolf, whose legendary heart of stone seems to melt whenever he's around Kelley.
Thoughts, Musings, Ramblings...

**Spoiler warning! While there shouldn't be any Tempestuous spoilers here, there may be spoilers for the first two books in the series.  If you're interested in the books, start with my review of Wondrous Strange!**

Since this is the final book in the trilogy, allow me a moment to bask in my cover lust. *sigh*  Aren't the covers of these books seriously beautiful?!  I think the artist who worked on these is a genius.  Seriously--beautiful.  The female models perfectly captures Kelley for me, and the covers invoke just the right amount of magical-ness.

Now, moving on to the story, while I wasn't enraptured with book 2 (Darklight), I appreciated everything that I learned in the book as I dived headfirst into this book.  I felt like I knew the characters going in--like they were old friends.  This final book had everything that I felt like the second was lacking - action, action, action!

Ah...what to say without spoiling it?! This book is action-packed and it reminded me of why I got sucked into the first book to begin with.  Lesley Livingston's writing is phenomenal--the descriptions of people, places, scenes, emotions--all wonderful!  I am sad that the series is over now!  (Well, kind of--it did wrap up quite well and any more might get boring...)  This book really had a little bit of everything--action, adventure, intrigue, betrayal, romance...you name it, it was probably in this book!  I love how much Kelley has developed over the course of the three books and how she came into her power slowly over time.  It was refreshing.

Overall, this was a very enjoyable faery series!  I would highly recommend it for the fantastic writing and well-developed characters.  If you haven't read this and you enjoy faeries, read it now!


  1. Great review, hun! I hadn't heard of this series, so I will definitely be checking it out now. The cover really is stunning!

  2. Great review, hun! I hadn't heard of this series, so I will definitely be checking it out now. The cover really is stunning!


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