21 June 2011

Book Birthday Shout Out! (3)

"Book Birthday Shout Out" is a weekly meme hosted by The Bewitched Bookworms over on their awesome blog.  Be sure to check out which books being release this week your fellow bloggers are super excited about!

This week's Book Birthday Shout Out goes to...

Haunting Violet by Alyxandra Harvey
© 21 June 2011 by Walker Children's

Goodreads description:
Violet Willoughby doesn't believe in ghosts. But they believe in her. After spending years participating in her mother's elaborate ruse as a fraudulent medium, Violet is about as skeptical as they come in all matters supernatural. Now that she is being visited by a very persistent ghost, one who suffered a violent death, Violet can no longer ignore her unique ability. She must figure out what this ghost is trying to communicate, and quickly because the killer is still on the loose.  Afraid of ruining her chance to escape her mother's scheming through an advantageous marriage, Violet must keep her ability secret. The only person who can help her is Colin, a friend she's known since childhood, and whom she has grown to love. He understands the true Violet, but helping her on this path means they might never be together. Can Violet find a way to help this ghost without ruining her own chance at a future free of lies?
Alyxandra Harvey lives in a stone Victorian house in Ontario, Canada with a few resident ghosts who are allowed to stay as long as they keep company manners. She loves medieval dresses, used to be able to recite all of The Lady of Shalott by Tennyson, and has been accused, more than once, of being born in the wrong century. She believes this to be mostly true except for the fact that she really likes running water, women’s rights, and ice cream.
Among her favourite books are ‘The Wood Wife’ by Terri Windling, ‘Jane Eyre’ by Charlotte Bronte, and of course, ‘Pride and Prejudice’ by Jane Austen. Elizabeth Bennet is her hero because she’s smart and sassy, and Mr. Darcy is, well, yum.
Aside from the ghosts, she also lives with husband and their dogs. She likes cinnamon lattes, tattoos and books

.I think this one sounds fabulous! Ghost/haunting stories have started to catch my eye as I wear myself thin on a number of other "types" of stories. (Also, I loved Hereafter by Tara Hudson, so that may have started it) I was also lucky enough to get a place on the I Read Banned Books ARC tour for this one and I'm still anxiously patiently waiting my turn!

Other "Book Birthdays" this week...


Whose "Book Birthday" are you celebrating this week?


  1. I'm looking forward reading dome Haunted Violet Reviews, I saw the book around but truly never looked deeper into it. Thanks for participating!

  2. I'm looking forward reading dome Haunted Violet Reviews, I saw the book around but truly never looked deeper into it. Thanks for participating!


I love reading your comments, so go ahead and leave some love!