09 June 2011

Booking Through Thursday (1)

"Booking Through Thursday" is a weekly meme hosted HERE! Join in the fun!

All things being equal (money, space, etc), would you rather own copies of the books you read? Or borrow them?
Wow, good question! See...I LOVE buying books. It's actually sort of a problem.  When I walk into a book store, I (almost) never walk out without a book in hand (unless my husband is there to drag me out kicking and screaming).  If money and space weren't an issue, I would rather own a copy of a book.  A beautiful, physical copy that I can call my own and sparingly lend out to others.  There is just something incredibly special (that I fully believe was ingrained into my thinking when my grandmother starting buying me books at a young age) about owning a book.  But not just owning...walking into a book store and buying it.  Now THAT'S retail therapy my friends!

But let's be realistic.  I have a small-ish house that already holds 3-5 shelf book cases, 2-3 shelf bookcases, and a smaller 4 shelf folding case...and they are basically all full.  And that doesn't include the boxes of books in my parents' attic and the shelves of books in my in-laws basement full of books that don't fit in our house.  Also...my husband and I are students.  Money = tight.  So...in the interest of being non-idealistic--I only buy a physical book (a) if I've read good reviews from people I trust, (b) been able to read part of the book online (thank you, HarperTeen), and (c) am in love with the cover art.  If (a) and (b) are true, I might buy a Nook version.  Otherwise...I show the library some love!  My library card gets a lot of use these days!

So, what do you think? Buy or Borrow?


  1. I do go to the library but more for the sales then the borrowing. When I borrow I just end up keeping till they are overdue and owe them money anyway.lol Guess I love giving them money.

  2. One thing I've learned over the years, is not to go shopping with my hubby. He's one who goes in, gets what he wants, and leaves right away. How fun is that? :)

    Thanks for visiting.

  3. I get in trouble going into bookstores too. That's why I hardly frequent them! I have to decide what I want before I enter (although I usually walk out with 1 extra).

  4. I love bookstores, they are about the only stores I shop in. If there is a part of a store with books, that is where you will find me. If my husband wants to go shopping (he is the shopper) he knows if he promises to drop me off at the bookstore I will go with him shopping.

    I am a Gramma that sends my nine year old granddaughter a new book every month. She also loves to read.

  5. I get a lot of use out of my library. In fact I have books that are overdue and need to turned in. I can't wait until. But like you my love for books and owning comes from grandma. It's not a bad addiction to have.

  6. I've been buying a lot of books lately, but 95% of them have been with a coupon or they've been on sale or I've gotten them through a library book sale. Most of the time I get books through interlibrary loans. The other day I did my first ebook loan through the library - that was interesting!

  7. So, apparently, many of us addicted book-lovers would buy books all the time if money were no object! I agree with your thoughts...bookstores are like crack to me.

    Hope you'll check out my post!

    Cindy at Cindy's Book Club

  8. So, apparently, many of us addicted book-lovers would buy books all the time if money were no object! I agree with your thoughts...bookstores are like crack to me.

    Hope you'll check out my post!

    Cindy at Cindy's Book Club

  9. I get a lot of use out of my library. In fact I have books that are overdue and need to turned in. I can't wait until. But like you my love for books and owning comes from grandma. It's not a bad addiction to have.

  10. One thing I've learned over the years, is not to go shopping with my hubby. He's one who goes in, gets what he wants, and leaves right away. How fun is that? :)

    Thanks for visiting.


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