16 June 2011

Booking Through Thursday (2)

"Booking Through Thursday" is a weekly meme hosted HERE. Be sure to check it out and join in the fun!

This week's question...

With the advent (and growing popularity) of eBooks, I’m seeing more and more articles about how much “better” they can be, because they have the option to be interactive … videos, music, glossaries … all sorts of little extra goodies to help “enhance” your reading experience, rather like listening to the Director’s commentary on a DVD of your favorite movie.
How do you feel about that possibility? Does it excite you in a cutting-edge kind of way? Or does it chill you to the bone because that’s not what reading is ABOUT?
Oooo...see, I knew I'd eventually have to talk about eBooks.  I'll start by admitting up front that I own a NookColor and I adore it (that shouldn't be new news as it's posted in my profile).  When my dad (the gadget freak) wanted to get me an eReader, I was a little on the fence about the prospect.  I'm quite attached to my physical books (as you might have learned if you read last week's post) so I thought that I would never be converted to eBooks.  Welll, six months later I'm not a total convert, but I definitely enjoy their convenience and they have a special place in my book buying habits (which I also talked about last week--depends on the cover).

So, anyway, to the real question here, I think that possibility of all these extra "goodies" in books is quite interesting.  There's sure to be a lot of potential in that market with more and more people growing up "plugged in."  I haven't experienced a lot of these "extras" for myself, but I think that they stand to make the eBook market more unique and potentially more profitable because eBooks will actually offer something BEYOND what the traditional book offers.  Right now the only differences (for me) are price (although not always) and convenience. I don't know that the prospect either excites or chills me.  EBooks and traditional books alike will probably always have a place in my reading life--I truly don't believe that one will usurp the other completely.

What is YOUR take on eBooks?


  1. Here's my deal...

    If I'm in love with a cover- I but the hard copy. If not- I buy the ebook. Easy system! LOL

  2. I've adopted a pretty similar system, lol! I just sometimes let my compulsive nature take over with my Nook...

  3. I've never bought an eBook. I use my Kindle mainly for reading digital ARCs. Everything else I will go out of my way to buy a hard copy for, even if it is more expensive.

  4. I love our Ipad and while we use it for more than ebooks, it is great for that as well. We can download books of any format to read on there so it works wonderfully for us. I do still love actual books. There is just something about wandering a book store, looking at the pretty covers, and the weight of a good book in your hand.

  5. I love our Ipad and while we use it for more than ebooks, it is great for that as well. We can download books of any format to read on there so it works wonderfully for us. I do still love actual books. There is just something about wandering a book store, looking at the pretty covers, and the weight of a good book in your hand.

  6. I've never bought an eBook. I use my Kindle mainly for reading digital ARCs. Everything else I will go out of my way to buy a hard copy for, even if it is more expensive.

  7. I've adopted a pretty similar system, lol! I just sometimes let my compulsive nature take over with my Nook...


I love reading your comments, so go ahead and leave some love!