30 June 2011

Booking Through Thursday (4)

"Booking Through Thursday" is a weekly meme hosted HERE. Be sure to check it out and join in the fun!

This week's question...

What’s the largest your personal library has ever been? What’s the greatest number of books you’ve ever owned at one time? (Estimates are fine.)
Is your collection NOW the biggest it’s ever been? Or have you down-sized?
What’s the fewest number of books you’ve ever owned (not counting your pre-reading years)?
Ummm...I plead the fifth? :-)? I think it would be a safe (conservative) bet to say that my husband and I own well over 500 books....and those are just the ones in our house. We have bookshelves in almost every room in the house (really only excluding bathrooms and the kitchen).  We also have books stored in both of our parents' houses.  Right now my personal library is probably the largest that it has ever been! When I was in high school and college, I bought and owned significantly fewer books. Actually, I didn't even purchase a book case for college until at least halfway through my junior year and then it was mostly for school books. As my senior year progressed and I got back into reading, I think my collection probably grew slowly to about 25-50 books (not including school books). That was probably about the smallest it has ever been just because I had gotten rid of so many books from when I was younger through donations.

What does YOUR book collection look like?


  1. That's a nice amount of books, mine is on it's way.

    here's mine:


  2. I took to ebooks so well to save space. We moved to a 1000 sq ft house with 4 kids :lol:


    Thanks for hopping over, I'm your newest follower!

  3. Dude right? I wont even attempt to count mine... I'd get frustrated anyway! LOL
    The Bookish Brunette

  4. Dude right? I wont even attempt to count mine... I'd get frustrated anyway! LOL
    The Bookish Brunette

  5. I can't even venture a guess! Ubiquitous...that's books for me...Booking Through Thursday: Size Matters.


I love reading your comments, so go ahead and leave some love!