20 June 2011

Cover Crazy (2)

"Cover Crazy" is a meme hosted by The Book Worms to gush over talk about cover designs that we love!

Mercy by Rebecca Lim
© March 2010 by Roaring Book Press

Goodreads Description:
There's something very wrong with me. I can't remember who I am or how old I am, or even how I got here. All I know is that when I wake up, I could be any one. It is always this way. There's nothing I can keep with me that will stay. It's made me adaptable. I must always re-establish ties. I must tread carefully or give myself away. I must survive.

Mercy doesn't realise it yet, but as she journeys into the darkest places of the human soul, she discovers that she is one of the celestial host exiled with fallen angel, Lucifer. Now she must atone for taking his side. To find her own way back to heaven, Mercy must help a series of humans in crisis and keep the unwary from getting caught up in the games that angels play. Ultimately she must choose between her immortal companion, Lucifer, and a human boy who risks everything for her love.
This first cover is on the copy that I (impulsively) purchased from the Book Depository and I have to say that I loved it from the start. I think that it's simple and beautiful.  The blue color on the cover is really striking and I'll fully admit that I think it's pretty sitting on my bookshelf (as I haven't had a chance to read it yet).  I believe this is the UK edition cover.  When I saw the more recently release US edition on NetGalley, I actually had no idea at first that they were the same book!

Here are three more covers I've seen for this book (the US edition is the far right). 

Which one do you like best?


  1. I'm liking the middle version, I'm not sure from where it's from. There's just so much death and hidden meaning. I love it!

    Diana @ The Lovely Getaway

  2. I love the one you featured- the blue cover! Also, this story sounds great! I like the white cover the least! :/

    Thanks for sharing!! :)

  3. I love the one you featured the most. I think it is so cool that her dress looks like feathers. I also love the title font.

    Reading Lark's Cover Crazy

  4. I love the one you featured- the blue cover! Also, this story sounds great! I like the white cover the least! :/

    Thanks for sharing!! :)


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