12 June 2011

In My Mailbox (7)

"In My Mailbox" is a weekly meme hosted by Kristi of The Story Siren where we can show some love to all the books that we got in the mail or otherwise!

This week was a much slower week for me...but I HAD to share because I attended...

Yep, that's right! My super awesome hubby drove me all the way to Naperville, IL to attend the Dark Days of Supernatural signing event at Anderson's Bookshop and it was awesome!

These 5 lovely ladies were there...

And they signed these lovely books for me!!

Woohoo!!! Yay signed books!  They were SO awesome to meet!  I also have to share that Veronica Roth talked about this video...and you have to see it to believe! So hilarious!

The only other thing that I got was this for review...

This one is part of the Once Upon a Twilight Book Tours...and I read it the day I got it!  It was really good! (Look for my review later this week!)

Okay, I believe that's all for now! I could show you my library books...but we'd be here forever and ever..and this post is already long enough because I *had* to show off my signed books!

What's in YOUR mailbox?


  1. How amazing! I'm really hoping that some of these ladies will come visit New York because all of the stories from the tour sound like so much fun.

    And thanks for the heads up on Shatter Me - it sounds rather interesting!

  2. you are so lucky being able to get to these events. I would love these authors to do tours like this in the UK. Awesome books and all signed too!

  3. I would love to go to that tour! Unfortunately I don't believe it will be anywhere near me, but if it is I will definitely be showing up!

  4. You are SO lucky!!!

    I'm reading Shatter Me too... When it gets here! lol! I'm so glad to hear it was good!

    Check out my IMM!

  5. Just so you know, you're my hero.


  6. ooh, so lucky! I live somewhere where it would take a 5 hour plane ride to be able to go to an awesome event like that. Ah well, so glad you had fun!!

    Here’s my IMM!

  7. I love Andersons!! I'm going to two events there this week, and I can't wait. That place rocks (and apparently so does your hubby)! :)

  8. That is so awesome and I am super jealous!!! Those books sound really good and they're all signed! If you get the chance, check out My IMM!


I love reading your comments, so go ahead and leave some love!