28 June 2011

Tune in Tuesday! (1)

A weekly feature hosted by GReads! that showcases music! Each week she posts a new or old song in hopes to gain more interest. Join in the fun and spread the love of music! If you want to participate, follow the link above and link up at her blog...then check out what everyone is sharing this week!

This Tuesday's Tune: Cosmic Love
by Florence and the Machine

I've had a minor obsession with Florence and the Machine lately. Like, put the CD on loop and just keep listening! I had to participate in this meme today just to share my love of this song. It popped up on my Pandora and I want to listen to it again and again. So, thank you, YouTube, for allowing me to do so!


  1. Im getting where I really like Flo and the Machine...but they have had to grow on me . Wonderful song!

  2. You know what, I have only listened to their Dog Days song and I am kind of wanting to kick myself for that. Her voice is just so beautiful! I should probably start looking up more songs by her right now.

  3. Florence + The Machine is majorly addicting. I found myself in the same obsession awhile back :-)

  4. I'm glad to know that people understand/share my obsession, lol! I <3 her so much!

  5. I LOVE Florence something fierce! "Kiss With A Fist" popped up on my last.fm a while back and it was love since that moment. I'm dying to see her live. Amazing pick!

    New follower! :)
    Stephanie @ Poetry to Prose

  6. I'm soooo in love with Florence!! AWESOME pick, Jessi!!

  7. I love Florence! It took a while for me to really get into her music but then I was hooked. Great Choice!

  8. Whoa! So different from what I'd usually find! I like it though! So glad you picked this!!

  9. Whoa! So different from what I'd usually find! I like it though! So glad you picked this!!

  10. I LOVE Florence something fierce! "Kiss With A Fist" popped up on my last.fm a while back and it was love since that moment. I'm dying to see her live. Amazing pick!

    New follower! :)
    Stephanie @ Poetry to Prose


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