28 July 2011

200 Followers Giveaway Winners!!

I have WINNERS to announce!

First of all, thank you SO MUCH to everyone who entered and those who found and followed and commented on my blog as a result of the giveaway! I hope that you make yourself regular visitors!

Well, I guess you really want to know who won, right?  Well, there were 541 total entries after adding in all the extra entries through comments and tweets and follows! That's a LOT of entries and it took quite some time to get everything organized.  But, I did it! And Random.org generated my 3 lovely winners for me!!

Here they are...

Entry #480 - Julia @ A Hummingbird's Delight

Entry #82 - Kaye @ The Paper Reader

Entry #540 -  Stephanie @ Izzie Vandero: Books and...Stuff <3

Again, thanks to all who entered!  Don't worry--there will be more giveaways in the future!

(All winners have been contacted and responded)

1 comment:

I love reading your comments, so go ahead and leave some love!