07 July 2011

(ARC) YA Book Review: Love Story by Jennifer Echols

Love Story by Jennifer Echols
© 19 July 2011 by MTV Books

Goodreads description:
For Erin Blackwell, majoring in creative writing at the New York City college of her dreams is more than a chance to fulfill her ambitions--it's her ticket away from the tragic memories that shadow her family's racehorse farm in Kentucky. But when she refuses to major in business and take over the farm herself someday, her grandmother gives Erin's college tuition and promised inheritance to their maddeningly handsome stable boy, Hunter Allen. Now Erin has to win an internship and work late nights at a coffee shop to make her own dreams a reality. She should despise Hunter . . . so why does he sneak into her thoughts as the hero of her latest writing assignment?

Then, on the day she's sharing that assignment with her class, Hunter walks in. He's joining her class. And after he reads about himself in her story, her private fantasies about him must be painfully clear. She only hopes to persuade him not to reveal her secret to everyone else. But Hunter devises his own creative revenge, writing sexy stories that drive the whole class wild with curiosity and fill Erin's heart with longing. Now she's not just imagining what might have been. She's writing a whole new ending for her romance with Hunter . . . except this story could come true.

My Thoughts...

While I don't read a lot of contemporary novels, this one caught my eye on Galley Grab because it had something I think the YA crowd doesn't get a lot of--college age MCs.  It's nice every once in awhile to read about characters who are a bit older. I know that I bring it upon myself by reading almost exclusively YA novels, but I firmly believe that 18-24 year olds are really young adults, too! I've never felt that label applied solely to 12-18 year olds...but maybe that's just me. Enough ranting...on to the review!

This was my first read from Jennifer Echols and I can definitely say that it will not be my last!  The writing moved the story along almost effortlessly and the story-line seemed well-developed with just a few curve balls to keep you reading.

Erin was a character I felt like I could relate to. She made poor decisions, as many college freshmen do, and she showed over and over again that she had a lot of growing up to.  Yes, she was a tad whiny at times, but I don't know, somehow that worked with the person she is/was supposed to be (for me at least).

Hunter was fabulous, as so many male love interests are.  His undying love for Erin in the face of her stupidity is downright sweet.  He had a very stabilizing effect on the story overall as the very grounded character.

Overall, for someone who is not generally a contemporary reader/fan, this book was a good read.  It was definitely a breath of fresh air to see COLLEGE students as the main characters.  I think that in some ways it may be a slightly under-served portion of the population (literature wise) [although I definitely welcome some suggestions for great books with college-age MCs!!!]

**Disclaimer: Book recieved from publisher via Simon and Schuster Galley Grab for my honest review.**


  1. I haven't read many books with college aged students. Looks like Ill have to try it out. Great review

  2. I completely agree with you when you say YA to you can mean up to 24-ish. It actually came as a shock to me when a fellow blogger told mr that she only classified it as 13-18. Anyway, I read your review as well as the blurb and I must admit I find myself watbting to read this. My only doubt is that it might be a little predictable? Anyway great review :)

  3. Great review! I'm really excited to read this one, I'll have to get it when it comes out.

  4. Sounds really good. You're right, there just aren't enough YA books with college aged characters. What's up with that?

  5. I might have to try this one purely due to the age of the characters. I would like to know about characters my age, too. We're still young adults. :)

  6. I read my first book by Jennifer Echols not too long ago! Maybe I'll read this one next!!

  7. Sounds really good. You're right, there just aren't enough YA books with college aged characters. What's up with that?

  8. I completely agree with you when you say YA to you can mean up to 24-ish. It actually came as a shock to me when a fellow blogger told mr that she only classified it as 13-18. Anyway, I read your review as well as the blurb and I must admit I find myself watbting to read this. My only doubt is that it might be a little predictable? Anyway great review :)

  9. I might have to try this one purely due to the age of the characters. I would like to know about characters my age, too. We're still young adults. :)


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