02 August 2011

Tune in Tuesday! (5)

A weekly feature hosted by GReads! that showcases music! Each week she posts a new or old song in hopes to gain more interest. Join in the fun and spread the love of music! If you want to participate, follow the link above and link up at her blog...then check out what everyone is sharing this week!

This Tuesday's Tune: We Live
by Superchick

Superchick rocks my world. :-D I actually almost posted two videos....Okay, well, actually, why resist. You don't have to watch both if you don't want to (obviously). Pick one and enjoy!

Tune #2: Cross the Line


  1. I like Fiest..but unlike you I tend not to listen to female artists and that is a shame, there are alot of good ones out there. I shall try to remedy this habit!

  2. Thanks for introducing me to this band.  I'm really digging them.

  3. Juju at Tales of Whimsy....09 August, 2011 17:10

    I've never owned one of their albums but I really like they're music. So jammy and up beat.


I love reading your comments, so go ahead and leave some love!