30 August 2011

Book Birthday Shout Out! (6)

"Book Birthday Shout Out" is a weekly meme hosted by The Bewitched Bookworms over on their awesome blog.  Be sure to check out which books being release this week your fellow bloggers are super excited about!

This week's Book Birthday Shout Out goes to...

Witchlanders by Lena Coakley
© 30 August 2011 by Atheneum

Goodreads description:
High in their mountain covens, red witches pray to the Goddess, protecting the Witchlands by throwing the bones and foretelling the future.

It’s all a fake.

At least, that’s what Ryder thinks. He doubts the witches really deserve their tithes—one quarter of all the crops his village can produce. And even if they can predict the future, what danger is there to foretell, now that his people’s old enemy, the Baen, has been defeated?

But when a terrifying new magic threatens both his village and the coven, Ryder must confront the beautiful and silent witch who holds all the secrets. Everything he’s ever believed about witches, the Baen, magic and about himself will change, when he discovers that the prophecies he’s always scorned—

Are about him.

5 Things People Might Not Know About Me

1) I like to eat alone in restaurants.  Why don’t other people like to do that?  It’s fabulous!
2) When I was little, I wanted to be either a trapeze artist or a jewel thief.  (Because my favorite movie was To Catch a Thief with Cary Grant.)
3) My favorite movie now is probably Blade RunnerCasablanca or The Wizard of Oz.  I know, everybody says those, but I can’t help it. Oh, or maybe Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.  Love that one too.
3) If I hadn’t become a writer I think I would have been a good archeologist or paleontologist, or maybe a computer programmer.  I think that programming and writing a novel are more similar than people think–writing a novel involves a lot of thorny problem solving.
4) Witchlanders was not my first book.  I published two children’s picture books with Orca Book Publishers that are now, sadly, OP.

5) I don’t write alone!  I would not have been published without my fabulous writing group: Kathy StinsonHadley Dyerand Paula Wing.  (No, we don’t have a cute name for ourselves.  I’ve tried to suggest them, but they always roll their eyes at me.)

(from Lena's website)

I was lucky enough to read this book through Simon & Schuesday and LOVED it. You can read my review HERE!!

Whose "Book Birthday" are you celebrating this week?

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