11 August 2011

Hop & Follow Friday! (21)

Happy Friday, lovelies!

I hope you had a wonderful week and are looking forward to an awesome, book-filled weekend! I know I am (even if I do have to work this weekend). :-)

TGIF is a weekly meme hosted by Ginger at GReads where she poses a thought-provoking question to prompt some blogger discussion!

Author Block Party: If you could gather a handful of authors to hang out with, who would you choose?
First, you obviously need to line up some FOOD for this party and drinks (you know, of whatever variety floats your boat).  I'm thinking that a party line this would need some good barbecue--pulled pork, ribs, sweet potato fries, coleslaw, baked beans, and all that deliciousness.  And for drinks, well, bring what you like, dear friends, but I will provide the beer--my husband is a brewer after all. Now on to the guest list.  First off, I would not dream of having this party without some of my favorite blogger friends,  so I would, of course, invite Neri, Lindsay, Stephanie, and Ashley (b/c her snark and sassy personality seems necessary) and of course any other bloggers would would like to journey into the wilds of Missouri for my party. Well, I would probably start with Veronica Roth, Amy Plum, Tara Hudson, and Josephine Angelini because I loved following their tour via Twitter and their blogs and I think a group of authors with a fab relationship already would break the ice.  Then, I think I would invite Jeri Smith-Ready, Gayle Forman,  Stephanie Perkins, Daisy Whitney...and Karsten Knight (Karsten, you'll have to hope the chicks bring their significant others or you're going to be significantly outnumbered).  I think this spells party of AWESOME, right? :-)  Will you be joining us?

"Follow My Book Blog Friday" is a weekly meme hosted by Rachel at Parajunkee's View and Allison at Allison Can Read where bloggers make new friends, including this week's featured bloggers--Teen Fiction Centre & Steph Likes Books!  Pop on over to Parajunkee's blog and join in the follow fun!!

This week's question: 

Q. How has your reading habits changed since you were a teen? or If you are still a teen what new genres are you in love with currently?

Honestly, I didn't read much as a teen and sadly I have to at least partially blame the librarians in my hometown.  When I was 12, they told me that the past summers I had read too many books in the kids summer reading program and that I had to sign up for the adult summer reading program that year.  However, no one explained to me that I could read teen books or anything like that--so I went straight for all the adult Star Wars books...and Danielle Steele novels.  Now there, my friends, is a summer of reading to remember--straight from A Wrinkle in Time and The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe to Danielle Steele.  :-P  By the time I started high school, I had practically stopped reading for fun and I didn't pick it up again until my senior year in college while I was student teaching. (And in case you're wondering, the Twilight Saga was my re-introduction into the world of reading...thanks to the girls of my sophomore American government class.)

Thanks so much for visiting my blog today! I love your comments and try my best to return follows! 


  1. Hopping through. How sad! Your library did you a disservice. I like to think that most libraries are better about those things nowadays.

  2. Love your blog title. It's me at so many family parties.

    Hey, new follower! Check out my FF www.nicksawatsky.blogspot.com

  3. the never-ending influence of Twilight :) nice!

    new follower here, hopping through!my FF:http://bookchilla.wordpress.com/2011/08/12/follow-friday-5/

  4. Hi & Happy Friday!

    Gotta love Twilight ;)

    My FF, http://obsessionwithbooks.blogspot.com

    Have a nice weekend.

  5. Brett_DemonsReadToo12 August, 2011 03:27

    Sounds like a mean librarian telling a kid they've read too much. I didn't read much when I was younger. Twilight was part of my reintroduction too.

    Old Follower ;) Here's my FF

  6. Wow, I can't imagine that transition of reading! Ha. Your librarians are apparently clueless. Then again, the YA genre has grown so much just within the last few years, it might not have been entirely their fault. New follower!

    Here's my FF:
    here's my most recent giveaway: http://tiny.cc/ckupf

  7. Glad to see someone who isn't ashamed of their love for twilight. My library is awful they have nothing:D

    New follower, great post!!

    My Post

  8. lol...kicked out of the summer reading program.  You must have been quite the voracious reader.  And C.S. Lewis to Danielle Steel...haha.  Glad you rediscovered your love of reading :)

    My FF

  9. hey Happy Follow friday Just wanted to say if you want to check out my WEBSITE at



  10. I've heard of so many people getting back into reading with either The Harry Potter or Twilight series :) I've never stopped reading but I started devouring books quicker straight after I read the Twilight series LOL

    Here's my Follow Friday post

  11. Pedanticphooka12 August, 2011 21:41

    Hi there,Stopping by via Parajunkee's Follow Friday.  I'm following you.
    Have a great weekend!
    Holjo @ Pedantic Phookawww.pedanticphooka.com


I love reading your comments, so go ahead and leave some love!