05 August 2011

Hop & Follow Friday! (20)

Happy Friday, lovelies!

I hope you had a wonderful week and are looking forward to an awesome, book-filled weekend! I know I am (even if I do have to work this weekend). :-)

TGIF is a weekly meme hosted by Ginger at GReads where she poses a thought-provoking question to prompt some blogger discussion!

This week's question:

Taking it Personal: Which books have effected you on a personal level and lingered in your mind long after you closed the pages?
I have two answers for this one: The Lovely Bones by Alice Sebold and If I Stay by Gayle Forman.  Now, I can't say exactly what it was about these books that really struck a chord with me, but they are books that are near and dear to me as a reader.  These books are probably my top 2 favorites of all time (you know, those default books that you say are your favs when asked).  The Lovely Bones was recommended to me by my high school history teacher and it changed my life as a reader.  I hadn't read anything like it before and it stuck with me for a long time.  I've forced it on more than one person throughout the years (including my now husband) and we own at least two copies of it. If I Stay is a more recent read that reminded me so much of why I love reading YA novels and how much they can really affect me.

"Follow My Book Blog Friday" is a weekly meme hosted by Rachel at Parajunkee's View and Allison at Allison Can Read where bloggers make new friends, including this week's featured bloggers--Hands And Home & My, My Shelf, & I!  Pop on over to Parajunkee's blog and join in the follow fun!!  All you have to do is follow the featured blogger, write your own post answering this week's question, and then leave your link!  Oh yeah--and then follow some new peeps!

This week's question: 

Q. Talk about the book that most changed or influenced your life (was it a book that turned you from an average to avid reader, did it help you deal with a particularly difficult situation, does it bring you comfort every time you read it?).

This is probably kind of random, but the book (series) that really got me into reading was The Boxcar Children! When I was little, my grandma signed me up for a monthly Boxcar Children Book Club where they sent me three books in the mail each month.  I loved them so much and I adored owning my own books.  So, while they aren't overly personal to me, they are definitely the books that I probably identify as starting me on the path to become a reader!

The "Book Blogger Hop" is a weekly bookish meme where you can get to know fellow bloggers! It's generally hosted by Jen @ Crazy for Books.  Stop by and join in the fun!

This week's question:

Q: What is one ARC you would love to get your hands on right now?
Umm, there are SO MANY, especially with the amazing number of fabulous looking books that are coming out in 2012.  However, my top 2 choices are The Nightmare Garden by Caitlin Kittredge, which comes out in February, and Pandemonium by Lauren Oliver, which comes out in March.  These are both sequels to books that I read and LOVED recently. 

Thanks so much for visiting my blog today! I love your comments and try my best to return follows! 


  1. the lovely bones was a great book!

  2. I haven't heard of the Boxcar children, but I can relate to loving books that young!! I loved going to the library and just getting TONS of books, even if I knew I wouldn't read them all. I just loved having the books :) 

    Here's my FF

  3. Amanda Welling05 August, 2011 09:46

    Oh I loved the Boxcar series! Great Pick :) New follower!

    Hippies, Beauty, and Books. Oh My!

  4. Mrs_laura_koehler05 August, 2011 09:54

    I really need to read both if those books. I have heard great things about them. They are on my TBR list. Great picks. Check out my TGIF answer if you get a chance.

  5. Tributebooksmama05 August, 2011 12:24

    They both sound good, have a happy Friday!


  6. Yay! I picked Pandemonium too! You have great taste :P

    New follower. Have a blessed weekend!

  7. Howard Sherman05 August, 2011 14:34

    post all of the following including the signature to each and every blog at
    the Book Blogger hop:

    As with just about everything else, most people will be startled to learn which
    ARC I’m looking forward to the most.

    Shocked, possibly.

    So what’s the next ARC I’m looking forward to the most? The one I can’t stop thinking about?
    The one that gives me sweaty palms?

    Hop on over to my blog now and find out – http://www.howardsherman.net

    Howard Sherman, Implementor


  8. I chose Pandemonium as one of my picks too!  Feel free to check out my BBH here. New follower! 
    Rumana @ Relook the Book

  9. audris jimenez05 August, 2011 22:13

    If I Stay was a great book. I loved the sequel to it as well. Both were just so touching.

    I loved Delirium and I'm totally looking forward to Pandemonium

    I'm a new follower :)
    audris @ yabookmark.blogspot.com

  10. Hopping through. Love the Boxcar Children series. I read tons of those as a kid.

  11. Awwww, the Boxcar Children!  I totally forgot about that series when I was mentioning in my post, some books/series that really inspired me as a kid!  How awesome was that series, for reals? 

    I'm an old follower - please swing by my blog if you get time!



I love reading your comments, so go ahead and leave some love!