20 August 2011

In My Mailbox (13)

"In My Mailbox" is a weekly meme hosted by Kristi of The Story Siren where we can show some love to all the books that we got in the mail or otherwise!

Hello, my lovelies!!! So, this week, I bought a few because I made the mistake of spending the hour between work and book club at B&N. Oops! :-) 

Juliet Immortal by Stacey Jay
Instructions for a Broken Heart by Kim Culbertson
Between by Jessica Warman

My Soul to Take (Soul Screamers Book 1)The PredictedsWitch SongEdenFinnikin of the Rock
The Predicteds by Christine Siefert (pre-order)
Witch Song by Amber Argyle
Eden by Keary Taylor
Finnikin of the Rock by Melina Marchetta

Breadcrumbs by Anne Ursu (thanks Around the World ARC Tours)

Vanish: A Firelight Novel by Sophie Jordan (thanks to my friend, Angel!)

For Review (all from NetGalley):

Every Other Day by Jennifer Lynn Barnes (thanks to Random House)
Double by Jenny Valentine (thanks to Disney-Hyperion)

What's in YOUR mailbox?!
(Be sure to leave a link so I can stare in reverence and awe at your books!)


  1. I really need to buy INSTRUCTIONS FOR A BROKEN HEART. It's been on my TBR list for forever! Hope you enjoy it :)

  2. I'm definitely intrigued by 'Juliet Immortal' ... I've heard good things about it from a couple of people. I got 'Finnikin' from the library last week, though I haven't had a chance to read it yet. I'm dying to, because Melina Marchetta is one of my faves... I'm interested to see what her fantasy novel is like.

  3. My Soul to Take is so great! I can't wait to read Juliet Immortal! enjoy your books :)

  4. ooh, can't wait to get my hands on a copy of Juliet Immortal. Great haul this week!

    Here’s my IMM!

  5. Lesley @ My keeper shelf21 August, 2011 04:15

    I really want to read Juliet Immortal and Fiinikin of the Rock, both sound fantastic.

    My IMM

  6. I loved Juliet Immortal!

    I recently picked up Finnikin as well. Have you read Jellicoe Road by the same author? One of the best YA books I've read. Enjoy!

  7. Idris Sandelis21 August, 2011 08:12

    OMG! So many great books! Enjoy the all! : )

  8. Lisa @ Lost in Literature21 August, 2011 08:51

    My Soul to Take sounds so good.  Enjoy!! :)

    Lisa @ Lost in Literature

    In My Mailbox

  9. Instructions of a Broken Heart and Every Other Day look really interesting!! Awesome books this week. Happy reading!!

  10. I've heard such fabulous things about Between, and Breadcrumbs sounds so, so lovely! I'm envious! I'm curious to see how the adaptation of The Snow Queen plays out.

  11. Raimy Greenland22 August, 2011 12:10

    great books, Instructionsfor a broken heart looks really good!  


I love reading your comments, so go ahead and leave some love!