16 August 2011

Tune in Tuesday: 90's Edition! (7)

 A weekly feature hosted by GReads! that showcases music! Each week she posts a new or old song in hopes to gain more interest. Join in the fun and spread the love of music! If you want to participate, follow the link above and link up at her blog...then check out what everyone is sharing this week!

This Tuesday's Tune: Embarrassing 90's Favorite #2

I have very distinct (and embarrassing) memories of dancing around the bedroom with my younger sister to this song. :-)


  1. Oh yes.. I remember the same embarrassing moments of myself ;-) haha

  2. How in the world is this an embarrassing pick?! TLC is STILL awesome! Loved this song.

  3. Melissa Layton16 August, 2011 19:49

    Oh man, this brings back memories. You couldn't go to any dance or party without hearing TLC blasting the speakers. lol. 


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