13 September 2011

Top Ten Tuesday! (2)

This meme is hosted by The Broke and the Bookish, where they are particularly fond of lists. This week's topic is in honor of Book Blogger Appreciation Week!

Top Ten Books I Read Because of Another Blogger
  1. Shade by Jeri Smith-Ready - Two of my favorite blogger and Twitter friends ensured that I read this one, but the real thanks here has to go out to Neri @ In the Name of Books. I started reading this one and then stopped because I got really angry at Logan. She told me that I HAD to pick it back up and give him a chance. I am SO glad that she pushed me and I finished it!
  2. Jenny Pox by J.L. Bryan - Ashley @ The Bookish Brunette first turned me on to this book and it was AWESOME, just like she said it was! It was truly a steal on the Nook when I purchased it. Definitely worth checking out if you haven't already!
  3. Inside Out & Outside In by Maria V. Snyder - The first time that I heard about these books was when Rachel @ Parajunkee's View reviewed them on her blog. Her stellar review plus the fact that she has read a lot of dystopians and still loved these told me that I had to pick them up.
  4. Life as We Knew It by Susan Beth Pfeffer - This is another recommendation from Rachel @ Parajunkee's View.  Now, I haven't quite finished this one yet, but it is stellar.  Rachel's review of LAWKI is probably one of the most influential reviews that I've ever read. Trust me--read it and you will instantly feel like you need to pick up this book!
  5. Enclave by Ann Aguirre - I'm going to start sounding like a broken record, but Rachel @ Parajunkee's View got me to read this one as well! It's a fabulous post-apocalyptic dystopian--enough said.
  6. Firelight by Sophie Jordan - When many bloggers that I follow started getting excited about Vanish, the Firelight sequel, I felt a bit out of the loop since I hadn't read Firelight yet! Needless to say, the constant Firelight-ish chatter around the blog world left me desperately wanting to read this one and I loved it!
  7. Evernight by Claudia Gray - I'll have to give The Bewitched Bookworms the most credit for getting me to pick up this series because I won a copy of book 4 from them, which in turn convinced me to pick up book 1. However, I've read a lot of positive reviews of this series and just never picked it up before. I felt like it was time to give vampires another shot so I went with this one and I wasn't disappointed!
  8. Witchlanders by Lena Coakley - I grabbed this book from S&S Galley Grab, and it didn't strike me right away as something I was really going to enjoy. I don't often enjoy a lot of fantasy novels, so I continued to put this one off until it almost expired! When I started to see positive reviews popping up from bloggers I follow, I knew I had  to give it a chance. I can't believe I almost let this expire!
  9.  Ashes by Ilsa Bick - This is another one that I got from NetGalley and then let sit for a long time. I just never felt inspired to pick it up. A review from Rachel @ Parajunkee's View changed my mind on this one. I went home and finally downloaded the galley--and read it in a day! I couldn't put it down!
  10. Blood Red Road by Moira Young - Okay, so I haven't actually read this one yet, but I've read too many positive reviews from bloggers not to pick it up. I had downloaded this one from S&S Galley Grab, but the prose and lack of punctuation threw me for such a loop that I couldn't get through it. However, after months of reading rave reviews on it, I finally broke down, bought a copy, and am starting it over again. Y'all better be right on this one!


  1. I'm so glad you loved Jenny Pox as much as I did!!!

  2. Haha Rachel is VERY influential.  I've read a few of the books on your list and others I have or want to get.  :)

  3. I've actually only read two of these books! Jenny Pox and Shade, both of which I loved! <3

  4. I haven't read any of these books yet, but I've heard great things about Shade and Blood Red Road. They're both on my TBR list.

  5. Yay! I'm glad that you didn't call it quits on Shade. Now you just have to read Shift :) I haven't read any of the other books you listed yet.

  6. Reflectionsofabookaholic14 September, 2011 01:42

    I have a difficult time keeping up with where I get my recommendations.  I always say I'm going to remember but then... I need to write it down or something.


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