20 September 2011

Top Ten Tuesday! (3)

This meme is hosted by The Broke and the Bookish, where they are particularly fond of lists. This week's topic is in honor of Book Blogger Appreciation Week!

Top Ten Books I Feel As Through Everyone Has Read But Me
  1. Harry Potter (#2-7) - Okay, I finally did read the first one this past April, but I still get "those" looks when people find out that I haven't read Harry Potter beyond book 1. I know--it's apparently a cardinal sin for someone studying to be a youth librarian. But seriously, it's so hard to keep up with the books that I want to read AND schoolwork!
  2. TMI series - Indeed, I haven't read any of these books. I keep looking at City of Bones whenever I'm at B&N, but I can't convince myself that I will actually make the time to read it.
  3. Clockwork Angel - Okay, so I guess this is just me admitting that I haven't read ANYTHING by Cassandra Clare. I did by this one in the London airport with every intention of reading it on my trans-Atlantic flight...but I didn't.
  4. Soul Screamers series - These sound awesome and I WANT to read them. I really, really do. I even bought the first one on my Nook and I'm sure that I will love it...when I get around to it.
  5. The Wolves of Mercy Falls series - I even OWN the first two...SIGNED...and I still haven't read this apparently awesome series.
  6. Hourglass - So, ditto about just about everything else on this list--I WANT to read it and I OWN it...but I don't have the time!
  7. Paranormalcy - I'm beginning to realize just how many apparently fabulous, widely read books I own and haven't read...including this one.
  8. Bloodlines - I LOVED VA. Seriously loved. So I think I'm hesitant to pick this up because I'm always scared to read more by an author that I already adore. However, Penguin sent me a finished copy and I am seriously dying to read it.
  9. To Kill a Mockingbird - Don't ask me how I got out of high school and college without reading this book because I don't know. My uncle (who's a writer) gave me a beautiful boxed edition of this for my college graduation because he knows I love books and this is one of his absolute favorites. I honestly think if I don't read it before I see him again he'll have a fit!
  10. Sarah Dessen books - Okay, I've actually read one (Along for the Ride) and yes, I enjoyed it enough, but I haven't had a strong desire to read anything else by her.  However, bloggers are always raving about her stuff and there was an entire "Sarah Dessen" week.
There are (sadly) many, many more that I could put on this list (including an obscene number of 'classics'). So, please forgive me, lol! Tell me--if you could convince me to move ONE of these up on my reading list, which would you choose?!?!


  1. Oh my goodness! How could I forget to add anything by Cassie Clare on my list! I also haven't read Shiver. MUST DO IT SOOON. I even met her and thought, "She is hella awesome. I should read these soon" but never did.  And HALLELUJAH for another person who hasn't read HP. I feel like a rarity. I read the first book wayyy back when but don't remember much.

    Here's my top ten books that I feel like everyone has read if you feel like moseying on over to my blog!

  2. I haven't read Harry Potter or 2-4 of The Mortal Instruments series, either. There are just too many books and not enough time :0)

    My Top Ten

  3. I have read the first three on your list as well as the first two in your #5. Everything else, I haven't read yet. I even put some on my own list. :)

  4. thewindowseatreader20 September, 2011 19:17

    I haven't read a word of Harry Potter!  I have read To Kill a Mockingbird and recommend it.  I also read some of Dessen's books back in high school.

  5. I'm giving you a look right now, you just can't see me. Oh well, I'd imagine it would be harder to get into HP if you aren't reading it during the golden years when that was all everyone talked about and we were still waiting for the last books to be released and it was oh-so-exciting!  Those were the days...

  6. *GASP* YOU HAVEN'T READ TMI!!! WHAT? O_O I think I'm going to faint, BEST BOOKS EVER!

    Harry Potter is part of a proper education, you're not educated unless you've completed Hogwarts!

    Clockwork Angel is a babe, read it asap

    Soul Screamers..read the first two but ehhh it's alright

    I've read Mercy Wolves #1 and have #2 and #3 - will get down to it but it can wait.

    Haven't read Hourglass ( which I have)

    Same with Bloodlines

    Not a big fan of Sarah Dessen, read The Truth about Forever if you're going to try her books

    Haven't read To Kill a Mockingbird

    and read Paranormalcy you'll love it!

  7. Reflectionsofabookaholic20 September, 2011 23:12

    I haven't read many of those either.  Though I have read To Kill a Mockingbird and the Harry Potter Series.

  8. quirky girls read21 September, 2011 17:02

    I LOVED Vampire Academy. Bloodlines did not disappoint. I am impatient for the second Bloodlines book. to come out.



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