27 September 2011

Update & Apology!

As you may have noticed (or maybe not, whatever, lol), my blogging has dropped off a bit here as the school year really gets into full swing (i.e. my second class starts tonight, BOO).  I kind of figured it would happen eventually since I'm trying  to do two classes for the first time and my full-time job has been super stressful (due to some idiot deciding to break in to the library and set stuff on FIRE...idiot, seriously) and my part-time job offers me extra hours (which I, stupidly, take because I need the money) and my church says "Hey, wanna do THINGS?!" and I say yes (always, always yes--note to self: LEARN TO SAY NO).  (Oh yeah and that pesky husband and kittens of mine seem to want some of my time too...not to mention the family that lives 4.5 hours away and thinks I've dropped off the face of the Earth.)

So, here's the thing: school has to come first. I desperately want to finish my MLS. DESPERATELY. I'm already working on year 3 due to my slow pace! This is the sad truth because I'll be honest and say that most of the time I would rather be reading YA fiction than school books. I'm still reading, just not at the pace I can maintain over the summer! I also haven't been good about keeping up with reviews. Last time I checked I had 10 review drafts sitting in Blogger waiting to be completed and posted.  I'll get to them--I promise.  Currently I'm trying to get through the review obligations that I currently have (from tours and NetGalley) and honestly that's probably enough to get me through the end of the year!

But really, the point of this post is to say THANK YOU (in advance) for sticking with me through the rest of 2011 as I learn more about time management (okay, not "learn about" because I could lead workshops about it--IMPLEMENT is a better word). I've got big things planned for 2012, including the 2012 Sensational Seconds Challenge (with reviews, giveaways, and maybe even guest posts and interviews) and my blogoversary in February (with, again, giveaway(s)!). Oh yeah--there's a new blog design coming my way in January as well! YAY!

In short, I <3 you ALL and hope you'll stick around. 

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