22 September 2011

YA Book Review: Jenny Pox by J.L. Bryan

Release Date: 24 July 2009
Source: Bought for Nook

Goodreads description:
Jenny has a secret. Her touch spreads a supernatural plague. She devotes her life to avoiding contact with people, until her senior year of high school, when she meets the one boy she can touch, and she falls in love.

But there's a problem--he's under the spell of his devious girlfriend Ashleigh, who secretly wields the most dangerous power of all. Now Jenny must learn to use the deadly "Jenny pox" she's fought her entire life to hide, or be destroyed by Ashleigh's ruthless plans.
My Thoughts...

If you haven't read this book, I am telling you right now to go buy it. Go to Smashwords (or Barnes & Noble or Amazon, whatever floats your boat) and download this gem for an absolute STEAL.

Now that that's out of the way--on to my review of this absolutely fabulous book. This book is ABSOLUTELY FREAKING AMAZING. Can I leave it at that until you read it for yourself? No? Geez...so demanding...

Jenny Pox is a roller coaster ride of a book that will make you smile, laugh out loud, yell, cry, and repeat the cycle over and over again. When I started reading this one, I had pretty high expectations. I've read rave reviews for this and that often makes it more difficult for a book to live up to my expectations.  However, JL Bryan did not disappoint for one second with Jenny Pox.

Jenny is a lonely girl, isolated by circumstances beyond her control and ostracized by that complete witch of a girl, Ashleigh. From the first pages of the book, JL Bryan creates a character that the reader cares deeply about. I found myself completely invested in her story just a few pages in and I couldn't put the book down after that. Jenny is both immensely strong and immensely vulnerable and I just wanted to swallow her up in a giant hug and protect her from everything bad in the world. I think I connected with her more than any character in a long time.

And as if Jenny wasn't enough, Seth comes along! Seth, pretty-boy boyfriend of the uber-manipulative Ashleigh, was a character that I didn't expect to like, but boy, did he ever change my mind! He's special, just like Jenny (well, not really JUST like Jenny, but you'll see), and they develop a really special bond.  They boy is totally swoon-worthy.  The way that Ashleigh treats him (USES him) makes me hate her even more as the story goes on. 

JL Bryan has truly crafted a fabulous YA story with Jenny Pox.  In the interest of keeping this as spoiler-free as possible, I know I've left out a lot of what I thought was fabulous about this story, but trust me--you need to experience it all for yourself--the horror, the prejudices, the surprising revelations, and the moments that will make you hold your breath and hesitate to turn the page. The story will really take you on an emotional roller coaster ride to a surprise ending that leaves you both satisfied and begging for more.


  1. EPIC WIN!!!! SO glad you loved it chick!!! This makes me HAPPY!!!

  2. heard great things about the author of this one and its sat on my wishlist with some of their others so hopefully I'll get round to buying it soon! :D 

  3. quirky girls read23 September, 2011 21:34

    I feel you on gushing and trying to keep reviews spoiler-free. Even though it seems like I was the last person to read Vampire Academy I did my best to keep the reviews as spoiler-free as possible for those who might not have gotten to them yet.

    I haven't heard of this, but you make you it sound very tantalizing. Must go look this one up. Great review!



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