06 October 2011

(ARC) YA Book Review: The Iron Knight by Julie Kagawa

Release Date: 25 October 2011
Publisher: Harlequin Teen
Source: Publisher via NetGalley

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Goodreads description:
Ash, former prince of the Winter Court, gave up everything. His title, his home, even his vow of loyalty. All for a girl… and all for nothing.

Unless he can earn a soul.

To cold, emotionless faery prince Ash, love was a weakness for mortals and fools. His own love had died a horrible death, killing any gentler feelings the Winter prince might have had. Or so he thought.

Then Meghan Chase—a half human, half fey slip of a girl— smashed through his barricades, binding him to her irrevocably with his oath to be her knight. And when all of Faery nearly fell to the Iron fey, she severed their bond to save his life. Meghan is now the Iron Queen, ruler of a realm where no Winter or Summer fey can survive.

With the (unwelcome) company of his archrival, Summer Court prankster Puck, and the infuriating cait sith Grimalkin, Ash begins a journey he is bound to see through to its end— a quest to find a way to honor his solemn vow to stand by Meghan’s side.

To survive in the Iron realm, Ash must have a soul and a mortal body. But the tests he must face to earn these things are impossible. At least, no one has ever passed to tell the tale.

And then Ash learns something that changes everything. A truth that turns reality upside down, challenges his darkest beliefs and shows him that, sometimes, it takes more than courage to make the ultimate sacrifice.

My Thoughts...


In this thrilling conclusion to her much loved Iron Fey series, Julie Kagawa has pulled out all the stops. Her magical world and character building continues through to the end. This series is a magical adventure into the land of faeries that I believe will change the way that you think about "faery books."

Enter the world of the Iron Fey for the final time: Ash is on a journey to find a way, whatever that may be, to be able to return to Meghan and be her knight, as he so solemnly promised her.  After taking her place as the Iron Queen, Meghan had no choice but to command the prince she loved to leave her land because it would kill him.  Ash is determined to find a way back to her with the help of none other than his long-time friend-turned-foe Puck. Ms. Kagawa throws us into a journey wrought with unexpected twists, turns, and finally, the ultimate sacrifice that you'll never see coming!

Now, I must say that this book is a very different read from the original trilogy.  The romantic aspects that were so much more prevalent definitely take a back seat, although I don't think you can say they disappear because they are the REASON behind the entire journey and it's incredibly romantic. (cue *swooning* for the awesomeness that is Prince Ash) Like many fantasy books, this one is about the journey and the battles faced in getting to the end.  The quest for a soul--Ash's quest--is a harrowing one that he knows full well no one else has ever survived.  Yet, Ash forges on because deep in his heart he knows that it is the right thing to do--it is his only hope for a future with Meghan.

For this final Iron Fey installment, we are also pulled into Prince Ash's POV for the first time instead of Meghan and it is an eye-opening experience that fans of the series will love. Getting to know Ash from a more internal experiences makes this book an absolute must-read for fans of this series, especially all those of us who are very solidly Team Ash. Ash's POV gives the reader so much more of this backstory and there's more than plenty here for Team Puck fans as well! His and Ash's long-standing feud comes to light and you learn SO MUCH about them.

The ending of this book will leave you absolutely breathless with a huge smile on your face.  Seriously, this is the perfect ending to this series, and I cannot wait to read more from Ms. Kagawa in the future!

In conclusion, all I can say is this: I pre-ordered my copy. Have you?

Oh, and I don't share many book trailer's because honestly, most of the time I'm not a huge fan.  However, do you want to "meet" Ash? Of course you do! Therefore, I've included the incredible Harlequin Teen trailer for The Iron Knight.


  1. I just got this in the mail today!!! Wicked excited to start it!!

  2. Stephanie Asbridge07 October, 2011 18:12

    Is this anything like Melissa Marr's Wicked Lovely series?

  3. I think that if you liked the WL series you should definitely give this one a shot! I actually liked the Iron Fey series a little better.  It, to me, gets a lot more into faery lore and their world.  The writing is phenomenal.

  4. Stephanie Asbridge10 October, 2011 19:19

    Thank you! I'll have to check it out :D


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