18 October 2011

Book Trailer & Giveaway: The Scorpio Races by Maggie Steifvater

I told you that I had a SUPER exciting giveaway coming up, right?! Well, here it is! Big Honcho Media has partnered with Scholastic to bring you this awesome giveaway of the fabulous Maggie Stiefvater's newest book, The Scorpio Races!

From Maggie Stiefvater, the #1 New York Times bestselling author of the Shiver series (over 1.7 million copies in print!), comes a brand-new, heart-stopping novel. With her trademark lyricism, Maggie Stiefvater turns to a new world where a pair are swept up in a daring, dangerous race across a cliff – with more than just their lives at stake should they lose.
Be sure to check out this links for more!  

Facebook - This is Teen
Maggie's Website

Now, I'm not generally a book trailer fan, but I gotta say that this one is pretty awesome because the animations and music are done by none other than Maggie herself! Very cool, right? Let me know what you think of it in the comments!

Okay, now, I'm sure that the MAIN reason you stopped by today is, of course, the GIVEAWAY!! Right? Here's the deal: TWO of you lovely readers will be randomly chosen to receive a copy of The Scorpio Races!! That's right: TWO. How awesome is that?!

And just in case this giveaway isn't exciting enough in and of itself, the is an awesome The Scorpio Races Twitter Sweepstakes going on right now! 

Enter to win @this_is_teen’s #ScorpioRaces Twitter Sweepstakes! Prizing include limited edition custom necklaces & autographed copies of the book. Get more details http://on.fb.me/iga0vf  


  1. the book trailer just shows how talented Maggie is aside from storytelling.

  2. I agree.  The book trailer is awesome.  I love the artistic side.

  3. Trailer looks ok but I'd rather imagine the characters and story myself...

  4. I don't usually watch book trailers but i watched this one and i loved it!!

  5. I really liked this booktrailer! It made me want to read the book immediately lol Looking forward to it ^^


  6. I love how the trailer is animated and that it is constantly moving like a race! : )

  7. I am so lusting after this book. The trailer is cool. I think this is one of those books you can't pass up. Thanks for the giveaway!


  8. After seeing the trailer, I think the book will be really a good one!

  9. I would LOVE to read this book. Any books won are read and then donated to the Franklin library. Thanks so much for the chance

  10. Wow, love the trailer! The contrast between the black and orange/brownish colors are fantastic. Not to mention the music & abstract look of it all. So cool :)

  11. Diana @The Lovely Getaway19 October, 2011 22:20

    Thanks so much for this awesome chance :D Can't wait to dig in!

    Diana @ The Lovely Getaway

  12. I think the trailer is artistically beautifully but quite frankly a little boring for my taste!

  13. I like the style of the drawing, original!

  14. I usually think most trailers are kind of cheesy but this one was orginal. I liked it.

  15. That is a really cool book trailer! One of the more unique ones that I've seen. I love the animation and the drawings. Thanks for the giveaway!

  16. I've been seeing this book everywhere! The trailer is really great....makes me so excited to read it!!!

  17. Thanks for the chance to win! I wasn't a big fan of the trailer..but it did make me curious about the book!! 

  18. Excited to read this one! Thanks for the giveaway!

  19. Great book trailer. Thanks.

  20. I love it. It is completely different and the music is amazing!
    Thank you for the giveaway!

  21. It's definitely not poorly made,

    I like it


  22. Love it. Dying to read this book. Looks so good!

  23. It's interesting that it's made by the author, although it doesn't tell me much about the book, only that there's possibly some romance. I love the music!

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