21 October 2011

Hop & Follow Friday! (29)

Happy Friday, lovelies!

I hope you had a wonderful week and are looking forward to an awesome, book-filled weekend! I know I'm totally ready for the weekend! I'm headed back to my alma mater for Homecoming, so I may get a bit behind in returning follows, but I will!

"Follow My Book Blog Friday" is a weekly meme hosted by Rachel at Parajunkee's View and Allison at Allison Can Read where bloggers make new friends, including this week's featured bloggers--The Bursting Bookshelf & Book Savvy Babe!  Pop on over to Parajunkee's blog and join in the follow fun!!

This week's question: 
Q:Who's your superhero alter-ego?
Since I'm not much of a superhero person and much more of a history geek, I have to go with the Scarlet O'Neil of 1940s comic strip fame.  Her only super power--she can become invisible! Oh yeah, and then she has cool adventures. :-) She's a cool 1940s woman too. I <3 the 1940s. She unfortunately  didn't survive the 1950s (Wonder Woman became the only real female superhero with her own comic), but there is apparently going to be a history of Scarlet O'Neil with never before seen artwork coming soon. :-)
Book Blogger Hop The Book Blogger Hop is a weekly meme hosted by Jennifer at  Crazy for Books with a fun bookish question to hopefully promote blogger interaction!

What is your favorite candy?
I <3 Halloween candy. I'm generally a chocolate addict all the way. However, my absolute favorite Halloween candy is the little pumpkins that you get in the mixed bags with candy corn (which is probably my second favorite)!!

Thanks so much for visiting my blog today! I love your comments and try my best to return follows! 

(PS ~ See that link at the top of the page? The one for my potential 2012 challenge? Would you be so kind as to take a look and leave some feedback? I'd love to get an idea of if this is something that people would be interested in.  Or just answer the poll in the sidebar. Thanks!!)


  1. I've never heard of Scarlet O'Neill...I love the artwork of that cover, though! Will definitely have to check her out. I love the '40's too...almost as much as the 20's!
    New follower.

    Happy FF!

  2. Scarlet O'Neil sounds awesome. i may have to check her out!

    Trish - My Friday Memes

  3. I love Halloween, even though I'm not super-huge on sweets - I do like chocolate, though!

  4. Chocolate!  It's the best!!!  We'd make a good pair on the Halloween mixed-bag because I really like the candy corn.  You can have all the pumpkins!

  5. Peggy @ Pawing Through Books21 October, 2011 10:25

    I am not a huge fan of just plain candy corn, but if you eat it with peanuts it tastes like a Baby Ruth! :)

    Peggy MyFriday

  6. Tributebooksmama21 October, 2011 11:38

    The little pumpkins are great!, happy Friday!


  7. Yum - those little pumpkins! I totally forgot about those! 

  8. Never heard of her but she really does osund pretty interesting! :)

    New Follower!

    My FF

  9. It's true, all Halloween candy is great.  It's the tiny size.  They make it so much more fun to eat! 

    And I love Scarlet O'Neill!  How crappy is it that they pushed her out.  I mean, Wonder Woman is cool and all, but come on!

  10. Just hopping through!

    I'm a new follower!
    Happy Friday!

    - Sarah
    Sarah's Shelf

  11. Wow! I've never known anyone to count candy corn (or candy like it) as their favorite. I'll eat them every now and then, but I don't love them. I'm glad someone does! :)

  12. Hopping through. I've never heard of that comic book. I like the idea of reading classic comics.

  13. Oh, yea! on the chocolate.  Great pick on the hero, too... at least she's written.  I could only think of movies.  Your blog is beautiful.  I'm a new follower and my site w/ hops is at www.burgandyice.blogspot.com


I love reading your comments, so go ahead and leave some love!