16 October 2011

In My Mailbox (16)

"In My Mailbox" is a weekly meme hosted by Kristi of The Story Siren where we can show some love to all the books that we got in the mail or otherwise!

Hello, my lovelies!!! So, it's been 3 4 weeks since I last had the time to post an IMM blog! That being the case, I honestly thought that it would take WAY too long for me to get all of the books into a video and I can't find my camera!


I got City of Bones from the fabulous Jenny at Into the Morning Reads.  If you follow her on Twitter, PAY ATTENTION because sometimes she likes to give away books. :-)
I got Between Sea and Sky from Natalie Parker's #TakeMyBooks giveaway, also on Twitter!
I also got The Faerie Ring, which you know I LOVED if you read my review, from Kristen at The Book Monsters as part of Ruby's Fall Book Exchange (which was AWESOME, btw).

 I won ARCs of Chime and Falling Under from Jenny at Into the Morning Reads as well as part of her One Year Blogoversary! (Jenny is awesome, just FYI, and you should ALL check out her blog!)
I won Under the Never Sky from a HarperTeen Twitter contest!

For Review:

Fracture by Megan Miranda (from Walker Books & NetGalley)
The Scorpio Races by Maggie Stiefvater (from Big Honcho Media)
Dearly, Departed by Lia Habel(from Random House & NetGalley)

On a Dark by Jordan Dane (from Harlequin & NetGalley)
Tuesdays at the Castle by Jessica Day George (from Bloomsbury & NetGalley)
The Gathering Storm by Robin Bridges (from Random House & NetGalley)

Bought (Wow, so many! I'm not going to do pictures for these, simply because this post is already too long! ...and I'm not including eBooks...):
  • Blood Red Road by Moira Young
  • Momento Nora by Angie Smibert
  • Anna and the French Kiss by Stephanie Perkins
  • Audrey, Wait! by Robin Benway
  • The Liar Society by Laura & Lisa Roecker
  • Will Grayson, Will Grayson by John Green & David Levithan
  • Epic Fail by Claire LaZebnick
  • Want to Go Private? by Sara Darer Littman
  • The Girl Who Circumnavigated Fairyland in a Ship of Her Own Making
  • The Name of the Star by Maureen Johnson
  • Five Flavors of Dumb (SIGNED!) by Antony John
  • Hate List (SIGNED!) by Jennifer Brown
  • Star Crossed (SIGNED!) by Elizabeth Bunce
  • The Pout, Pout Fish (SIGNED!) by Deborah Diesen
  • Fortune Cookies (SIGNED!) by Albert Bitterman
  • Wonderstruck (SIGNED!) by Brian Selznick
  • The Invention of Hugo Cabret (SIGNED!) by Brian Selznick
    • All of the signed books were from authors that were at the 2011 Missouri Library Association Conference that I attended a little over a week ago! Small conference but lots of fun. :-)
What's in YOUR mailbox?!


  1. Wow so so many books, great haul!

    Late Night Reads

  2. You'll love City of Bones. I read it over the summer and i could not put it down it was so awesome! Enjoy all your books and come check out my IMM!!


  3. Love your IMM!!! Enjoy meeting Jace in City of Bones :)

  4. Wow you got a lot of great books this week! I'm super jealous of The Faerie Ring and The Scorpio Races. Enjoy!

  5. That stack will keep you busy for a while! The only one I've read a review on is Dearly, Departed. I've seen The Faerie Ring circulating on some previous Waiting on Wednesday posts. Great haul!

    -Jenna @ Fans of Fiction

  6. Wow you got a lot of great books this week! I'm super jealous of The Faerie Ring and The Scorpio Races. Enjoy!

  7. Tara @ Hobbitsies16 October, 2011 17:32

    AHH Blood Red Road is SO GOOD. I hope you love love love love it. And Anna and the French Kiss duh. And so many other books. Really. You got so many good books, I can't even comment on them all.

    Check out what books I received in my mailbox this week :)

  8. Natalia Belikov16 October, 2011 18:05

    Hello!! you got amazing stuff! omg!! This one like the best haul ever!btw, new follower here so nice to meet you my dear =)My IMM this week:http://dazzlingreads.blogspot.com/2011/10/in-my-mailbox-13.htmlAnd check out my awesome giveaway! three winners and 12 different books from where you can choose ^__^http://dazzlingreads.blogspot.com/2011/10/autumn-giveaway.htmltake care and happy readiiiiiiiing ^_^

  9. Michele//Just a Lil Lost16 October, 2011 18:24

    Ooh great books! I'm waiting for Dearly Departed to be approved on Netgalley.. I also hear Faerie Ring is fantastic! :)

    MicheleIMM | 2 Giveaways

  10. I want Fracture, but haven't heard back from the publisher yet. Excellent books. So many of them. Come visit me over at Livre De Amour-Books of Love Blog.

  11. I love City of Bones! Once you read that one, you're going to read all of the books in the Mortal Instruments series! 

  12. I am so jealous of Under the Never Sky, ha. That looks brilliant. Also Dearly Departed looks good. Enjoy all your books!


I love reading your comments, so go ahead and leave some love!