04 October 2011

Top Ten Tuesday! (4)

This meme is hosted by The Broke and the Bookish, where they are particularly fond of lists.

Ten Book Endings that Left Me with my Mouth Hanging Open
  1. Possession by Elana Johnson - This ending made me want to curl up in a corner and cry. CRY, I tell you. 
  2. Ashes by Ilsa Bick - I was convinced that my galley copy was faulty as I attempted over and over again to turn the page on my Nook.
  3. Variant by Robison Wells - I know some people had heard about this cliffhanger ending, but I had not.  Imagine my surprise--"Hey, look who's back!" THE END. :(
  4. Firelight by Sophie Jordan - At least when I finished reading this one I didn't have to wait long for Vanish because this was totally had a WOW CLIFFHANGER (!!!) ending.
  5. The Knife of Never Letting Go by Patrick Ness - Cliffhanger of cliffhangers! I mean, you don't even know if ________ is going to live or DIE!
  6. The Name of the Star by Maureen Johnson - So this wasn't so much a cliffhanger, but MJ introduces something at the very end that makes you go "WAIT. Back up--what was THAT?"
  7. Eve by Anna Carey -  This may not have been my absolute favorite dystopian ever, but the ending left me going "But what's going to happen to _______?!" so I will definitely be picking up Book 2.
  8. A Beautiful Dark by Jocelyn Davies - I'm not going to lie--when I finished reading this one, I was totally NOT in the mood for a complete cliffhanger, so I was a bit upset.  However, I suppose it did serve it's purpose because I will definitely be looking for #2.
  9. Delirium by Lauren Oliver - Oh, this ending made me want to cry! I've been begging for Pandemonium since the moment that I turned the final page!
  10. Wither by Lauren DeStefano - Simply another book that left me begging for its sequel! I'm dying to get my hands on Fever.
If you've read these, then you totally know what I mean! So many cliffhangers or unanswered questions at the end of these! I also feel like I need to read more standalone novels...


  1. The Knife of Never Letting Go is on my list. Guess I should be prepared for a cliff hanger ending.

    Beth ^_^

  2.  Yes, most definitely be prepared to go out and get The Ask and the Answer right away!

  3. I can't imagine going into Variant not knowing there would be a cliffhanger. I knew there would be & I was still shocked. I can't believe I forgot about The Knife of Never Letting Go. That was one of the most unexpected endings I've ever read.

  4. Possession and Wither are both on my reading list for this month and I keep seeing them on these lists..now I am anxious to get reading!

  5. It was a shocking experience, to say the least! I'm working on my review now and I just can't get over how much that ending shocked me!

  6. Both SO GOOD! I hope you get to them soon because they are so worth reading. :-D

  7. Awesome list! 
    I can't believe I forgot about Ashes - seriously, what was that? There's so much that I need answered now.

  8. RIGHT?! That ending killed me! And to have to wait a year for book 2 (only to realize that more likely than not it will have a cliffhanger ending as well)!!


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