16 November 2011

2012 TBR Pile Challenge

So, this is probably one of the last challenges that I'm going to sign up for for 2012! (I think...unless something else fits in with the other things I already plan on reading!)  This one funs for all of 2012 and the goal is to read those books that we all have sitting on our shelves patiently waiting their turn to be read and enjoyed!

Challenge guidelines: 
  • This challenge will run from Jan 1, 2012 - Dec 31, 2012. As we would like to see quality reviews linked up to our monthly wrap-ups, only bloggers can enter.  
  • Any genre, length or format of book counts, as long as it is a book that's been sitting on your shelf for some time now. Only books released in 2011 and earlier! NO ARCs and 2012 fresh-off-the-press releases allowed! 
  • You can list your books in advance or just put them in a wrap-up post. If you list them, feel free to change them as the mood takes you. 
  • When you sign up in the linky, put the direct link to your post about joining the 2012 TBR PILE Reading Challenge (You need to include the info + host list + challenge button. You can also grab the button code and add it to your sidebar!) 
  • You can move up levels, but no moving down. 
  • Sign-ups will be open until Dec 15, 2012, so feel free to join at any time throughout the year. 
  • At the end of each month one of the hosts will post a wrap-up. Every wrap-up will have it's unique theme, a mini-challenge, a giveaway and place for you to link up your reviews from this month. 
  • For each review you link up, you will get one entry in a drawing of one book of choice from Book Depository. It's open to INTERNATIONALS. 
  • For participating in the mini-challenge you will get +1 entry. If you miss a wrap-up post + giveaway, you can link up your reviews next month. Do not, however, try to link up one review twice - we will be checking ;) December is a wrap-up for the whole year. All the book reviews you linked up January-November + the ones you'll link up in December will be entered into a HUGE giveaway - 12 books, 12 winners, INTERNATIONAL. You don't have to follow all the hosts to join the challenge, but you do have to follow all of us to be entered in giveaways! 
The Levels:
  • 1-10 - A Firm Handshake 
  • 11-20 - A Friendly Hug 
  • 21-30 - A Sweet Kiss 
  • 31-40 - Love At First Sight 
  • 41-50 - Married With Children 
The Hosts: 
So, instead of putting a list of potential books here, I've actually put together a Goodreads list of books that I own and haven't read! You can see it HERE if you are interested in some of  the books that I hope to read next year. I'm going to join at the "A Friendly Hug" level with a goal of reading one TBR book per month! I have lofty goals for 2012 in terms of reading and blogging so we'll see how it goes!

1 comment:

  1. I decided to join this challenge after seeing your post. I went through Goodreads and made a shelf with books I will read in 2012 for this challegen. I looked through your shelf and we will be reading a lot of the same books!


I love reading your comments, so go ahead and leave some love!