27 November 2011

In My Mailbox (21)

"In My Mailbox" is a weekly meme hosted by Kristi of The Story Siren where we can show some love to all the books that we got in the mail or otherwise!

Hello, my lovelies!!! Welcome back for another edition of In My Mailbox!! I got a few exciting things this week--check them out!! :)

For Review:
 Allegiance by Cayla Kluver
New Girl by Paige Harbison
Thanks to NetGalley & Harlequin Teen!

 Froi of the Exiles by Melina Marchetta
Long Lankin by Lindsey Barraclough
The Obsidian Blade by Pete Hautman
Shadows on the Moon by Zoe Marriot
Another Jekyll, Another Hyde by Daniel and Dani Nayeri (not pictured)
Thanks to NetGalley & Candlewick!!

Unraveling Isobel by Eileen Cook
Wings of the Wicked by Courtney Allison Moulton
Thanks to Around the World ARC Tours for the chance to read these!!

 Masquerade by Cambria Hebert
Thanks, Cambria, for having me on the blog tour!! :)

Liesl & Po by Lauren Oliver
Wildwood by Colin Meloy and Carson Ellis
The Emerald Atlas by John Stephens

 This Dark Endeavor by Kenneth Oppel (currently only $1.99 for Kindle!)
Small Town Sinners by Melissa Walker (currently only $2.99 for Kindle!)

Winterling by Sarah Prineas (Thanks, Sarah! I'm STOKED to read this!)

What's in YOUR mailbox?!


  1. You have a lot of great books this week!  I requested several from Candlewick last night and really hope I get approved for them.  I especially want to read Long Lankin.  Can't wait to see what you think of them!  

    My IMM

  2. I'm on the Masquerade tour too! :) I just finished it yesterday it's really neat! Awesome haul!

    Xpresso Reads


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