02 November 2011

Waiting on Wednesday (35)

"Waiting on Wednesday" is a weekly bookish meme hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine where book bloggers discuss the books that they are most anxiously waiting for! (And this fabulous button was designed by my dear blogger friend Lindsay at The Violet Hour)

This week I'm waiting on...

The Forgetting Curve by Angie Smibert
© April 2012 by Marshall Cavendish
Aiden Nomura likes to open doors—especially using his skills as a hacker—to see what’s hidden inside. He believes everything is part of a greater system: the universe. The universe shows him the doors, and he keeps pulling until one cracks open. Aiden exposes the flaw, and the universe—or someone else—will fix it. It’s like a game.

Until it isn’t.

When a TFC opens in Bern, Switzerland, where Aiden is attending boarding school, he knows things are changing. Shortly after, bombs go off within quiet, safe Bern. Then Aiden learns that his cousin Winter, back in the States, has had a mental breakdown. He returns to the US immediately. But when he arrives home in Hamilton, Winter’s mental state isn’t the only thing that’s different. The city is becoming even stricter, and an underground movement is growing.

Along with Winter’s friend, Velvet, Aiden slowly cracks open doors in this new world. But behind those doors are things Aiden doesn’t want to see—things about his society, his city, even his own family. And this time Aiden may be the only one who can fix things... before someone else gets hurt.
I loved Momento Nora, so I'm super excited to read more! The writing style caught my attention from page one and completely sucked me in. I've definitely added this read to my 2012 books not to miss!

Also, I figured I would combine this post with W.W.W. Wednesdays...so here is some more info about my reading for this week! To play along, just answer the following three (3) questions…Grab the logo...and post your link at Should Be Reading!

What are you currently reading?
(Currently listening to...)

What did you recently finish reading?

What do you think you’ll read next? 

What are YOU waiting on this week?


  1. I've never heard of this series, but I am intrigued!  Love hacker stories!

  2. whoa! first time I see this book =9 thanx for sharing!!

    MY WOWMy Giveaway!Happy reading! ^.^Dazzling Reads

  3. I don't think I've heard of this series before. Sounds pretty neat!

    Xpresso Reads

  4. Wow!! That sounds great! I haven't heard of this series before, but sounds excellent! Great choice for this weeks WoW!

  5. Crossed is awesome!  I loved it. Nice WoW pick - it's looks really cool.  Love the badge, by the way :)

  6. I still haven't read Memento Nora!! I don't know when I'll be able to squeeze it in at the point :( Great pick!!

    Jess @ Gone with the Words :) (Waiting on Wednesday!)

  7. Oh the book sounds cool! I especially love reading books from guys POV's. and wow, you read about 4 books at the time? I can barely manage one! XD

    here is my WoW((:

    -thank you&come again.

  8. I have what I like to call "reading ADD" and I very much have to read something I'm totally in the mood for. :) Bad habit, really.

  9. Oh, you must try! It's super short and such a quick read!

  10. I'm still at the very beginning of Crossed, but I sure hope it's awesome! I'm going to meet Ally next week so I hope I get it done before then! :)

  11.  I definitely recommend Momento Nora! Great, quick read--really unique writing.

    Thanks for stopping by!


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