30 November 2011

Waiting on Wednesday (39)

"Waiting on Wednesday" is a weekly bookish meme hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine where book bloggers discuss the books that they are most anxiously waiting for! (And this fabulous button was designed by my dear blogger friend Lindsay at The Violet Hour)

This week I'm waiting on...

Love & Leftovers by Sarah Tregay
© 27 December 2011 by Harper Collins Children's
My wish
is to fall
cranium over Converse
in dizzy, daydream-worthy

When her parents split, Marcie is dragged from Idaho to a family summerhouse in New Hampshire. She leaves behind her friends, a group of freaks and geeks called the Leftovers, including her emo-rocker boyfriend, and her father.

By the time Labor Day rolls around, Marcie suspects this "vacation" has become permanent. She starts at a new school where a cute boy brings her breakfast and a new romance heats up. But understanding love, especially when you've watched your parents' affections end, is elusive. What does it feel like, really? can you even know it until you've lost it? 
I don't read many books in verse--just generally my personal preference.  However, this one seriously intrigues me.  I've heard that the story and writing is beautiful so I'm hoping to be able to give it a shot. :)

Also, I figured I would combine this post with W.W.W. Wednesdays...so here is some more info about my reading for this week! To play along, just answer the following three (3) questions…Grab the logo...and post your link at Should Be Reading!

What are you currently reading?

(Currently listening to...)

What did you recently finish reading?

What do you think you’ll read next? 

What are YOU waiting on this week?


  1. I too am waiting on this book! And lets see...Hushed..it seems so good, how are you liking it so far? I have Saving Jane sitting on my TBR pile ..it is being read next.

  2. Love and Leftovers sounds really good! The cover is cut too. Thanks for stopping by my WoW:)

  3. hahahahh cranium over Converse!! That's so cute, I'll definitely have to look into it!!

    Anna @ Literary Exploration

  4. I love the sound of this as well and am think of read On the Dark Wing next too :-)

    My WOW

  5. lindsaycummingsauthor30 November, 2011 09:45

    looks SO cute!

    I'm hosting an exclusive cover reveal for TOUCHING THE SURFACE, by Kimberly Sabatini. Releases in 2012 from Simon Pulse! Come by and check it out and comment your thoughts!!!http://lindsaycummingsblog.blogspot.com/2011/11/wow-exclusive-cover-reveal-touching.html

  6. Interesting pick. Haven't heard of this one before. Thanks for stopping by :)

    Livin' Life Through Books

  7. Ooh, wonderful picks :)

    Here's mine: http://carabosseslibrary.blogspot.com/2011/11/www-wednesdays_30.html

  8. Elizabeth Rodriguez30 November, 2011 11:58

    Great pick!  My oldest son was born in Idaho, so I am curious about this one.

  9. Wow! I loved all of your novels you picked. They all sound so good. Here's mine. http://danicapage.blogspot.com/2011/11/www-wednesday-5.html and http://danicapage.blogspot.com/2011/11/waiting-on-wednesday-6.html.

  10. I hope you enjoy Dearly, Departed !

  11. Great cover!  I love the shoes!  I agree that verse is not my preferred reading style, but I'm definitely intrigued by the blurb.  Here's mine: http://feministfairytalereviews.blogspot.com/2011/11/waiting-on-wednesday-10-croak.html

  12. Great pick, I am looking forward to Love and Leftovers as well. Thanks for stopping by.

  13. I've heard of this one, mainly because it's written in verse. I'm very curious about it so I'll be looking for your review :o]

    You've done a lot of reading! FYI, On a Dark Wing is excellent! I think you'll love it!

  14. I'm looking forward to this as well.

    My WOW

  15. Oh I've heard about this book a lot! Nice pick ;)

    Thanks for stopping by ;))

  16. Love and Leftovers looks really good. Thanks for stopping by my WoW. =]
    My WoW

  17. Great pick! Love & Leftovers sounds really good! Plus, I love books done in verse :)

  18. This sounds like a really sweet romance!

  19. Ooh, how are you liking Dearly, Departed? I've been meaning to pick that one up since I first heard about it a few months ago.

    Here's my WWW. Happy reading!

  20. Hey, Jessi.  Thanks for stopping by.  This is the first I've heard of this one.  The plot sounds interesting.  Nice pick!

  21. Love and Leftovers sounds like it could be good. I will be looking for your review!

    Now, I must ask - how can you possibly read four books at once? I'd get so confuzzled! LOL

  22. only 27 more days left until Love & leftovers comes out, YES! I'm so excited! I hope your liking hushed, it sounds intense! And all those books you finished I'm dying to read! lucky you:D I hopes you love all of them.

    Here is my WoW((:

    -thank you&come again.

  23. I have nothing to say about reading that many books at one time other than that I have reading ADD. :)  I am a major mood reader!

  24. Thanks for stoppin' by, Marla! :)

  25. I like it so far, but I have to admit that I keep starting and stopping with it.  I think I would like it even more if I would just sit down and devour it! :)

  26. I love books in verse, so this one has me super excited! great pick!

  27. I know the feeling. I'm really scatterbrained lately, which means I'm about halfway through three or four books. :)

  28. You MUST read Saving June! I loved it. :)  I just started Hushed so I'm not 100% sure how I feel about it yet.

  29. Right?! That line alone had me going, "yes, please!" Hopefully it's as cute as it sounds!

  30. Love & Leftovers sounds awesome! The cover is so cute. :)

  31. Awesome pick! This one sounds really sweet.

    Oh, and I see you just finished Obsidian! How did you like it? Have you written a review yet? I'll have to go see. :)

  32. Jennifer Messerschmidt01 December, 2011 01:41

    Super cute book!

    Check out my WOW

  33. I cannot wait to read Love and Leftovers!!

  34. Interesting pick!


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