14 December 2011


Remember this???

In case you didn't notice, Reading in the Corner has a new look!!

Reading in the Corner

I'm so excited to be sharing this new blog design with you that I got from the fabulous Lori at Imagination Designs! She was truly awesome to work with and I think the design is perfect for the blog! If you're in the market for a new design, be sure to check out her design website:

Use Your Imagination Designs

Lori does really great work (as you can see from her extensive portfolio on her site) and I'm excited to be showcasing another of her designs! I followed along (and fell in love) with her designs for such a long time before I decided to "take the plunge" and get my own.

If you had my button before, I hope you'll grab the new one and change them out (this one is so much cooler than the one I had before!)  If you didn't have my button before, it would be awesome if you would grab it now! :) If you grab it and would like me to add yours, leave me a comment with a link so I can stop by!

(Oh, and did I mention that this beautiful blog design is my Christmas/birthday present from my darling husband? He's fantastic.)


  1. Ooh I like it!! <3

  2. Thanks, Giselle! I'm pretty much in love--matches my personality better. :)

  3. Your new design is really, really cute! :)

  4. Susan Schleicher14 December, 2011 11:26

    Love it! There are so many beautiful blogs out there now!

  5. Thanks, Susan! There certainly are and I'm so much happier with this design than my previous one. :)

  6. I love the illustration for your header! It's really cute and ha, what a nice present from your husband. :)

  7. Looks awesome, congrats!

  8. I am totally loving loving your new layout!!! :D I love everything about it, even your rating system! The globes - adorable!! :) I totally stole your blog button to add to my blog roll! YAY! hehe. 

  9. I love the new layout! It's much easier to read, and it definitely is cute and fits your blog. Congrats! :D


  10. Thanks, Elena! Yeah, the hubby knows what's going on. ;)

  11. Yay! I'm glad you like the globes! I almost went with books but this seemed more fun/unique! :) Thanks for grabbing the button--I'll have to grab yours!

  12. It is just wonderful I would love to kick back and read in your corner. I have your new button on my blog. Looks great! 

  13. P.S. It is so much easier to post comments now! 

  14. Its so pretty! Congratulations! It fits your blog really well.

  15. I'm so happy you love it! It was great working with you! :)

  16. Oh my gosh, you have no idea how much I love it--I can't stop looking at it! It feels so much more like ME now. :) Thanks for everything! :)

  17. Thanks, Alexandra! I definitely think it fits. I'm really glad I went with this layout because I do think it's easier to read. :)

  18. Thanks, Heidi! You're welcome to come hang out anytime. ;)  Thanks for grabbing the new button!

  19. Thanks, P E! I think so too. :)

  20. It looks great, Jessi!  Lori does amazing work.  I'm going to snag one of your new buttons.  :-)


I love reading your comments, so go ahead and leave some love!