23 December 2011

December 2011 SSC - 2012 Is Almost Here!

We're just days away from the start of 2012 and I wanted to write up a quick post thanking those who have already signed up for the 2012 Sensational Seconds Challenge!  I'm really excited to do this challenge this year and I hope that those of you who are participating in the challenge are excited to get started!  I wanted to share a few things in preparation for January...

January Sequel Releases:
*Books you can consider reading for the challenge!
  • Hallowed (Unearthly #2) by Cynthia Hand 
  • A Million Suns (Across the Universe #2) by Beth Revis
  • Jessica Rules the Dark Side (Jessica #2) by Beth Fantaskey
  • Dreaming Awake (Falling Under #2) by Gwen Hayes
  • Darkness Falls (Immortal Beloved #2) by Cate Tiernan
  • Truth (XVI #2) by Julia Karr
  • Havoc (Deviants #2) by Jeff Sampson
  • Black Moon (Silver Moon #2) by Rebecca Rogers
  • Angel Fire (Angel Trilogy #2) by L.A. Weatherly
  • Fool's Silver (Mortal Kiss #2) by Alice Moss
Early Reviews for 2012 Sequels:
*from SSC participants
Also, I have the first SSC giveaway coming at you! I'm giving away my copy of A Million Suns by Beth Revis!  One lucky participant has the opportunity to win this January sequel--just fill out the Rafflecopter form below!  Haven't signed up for the challenge yet?  You can do that HERE! There are lots of levels that you can participate at--pick whatever you're comfortable committing to! :)

Also, if you've been blogging for six months or longer, you can consider joining Around the World ARC Tours.  They have been posting quite a few 2012 sequels lately, and I'm sure that the trend will continue into the new year!

Anyway, the giveaway is International, although I'm sure that my wallet is going to protest that fact. :) (Note: International winner MAY receive a Book Depot order instead, depending on $$) Also, maybe you haven't had a chance to read Across the Universe?  Well, then here's the deal, if you would prefer, I'm totally willing to get you a paperback copy of that instead. I mean, you can't read the sequel unless you've read the first one, right?  So....enter away!!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

1 comment:

  1. Chelsey @ Starry Sky Books27 December, 2011 13:23

    So excited for the new year to start! Too many awesome reads coming out these next couple of months! Good luck to everyone on their challenges. :)


I love reading your comments, so go ahead and leave some love!