09 December 2011

Fab {Indie} Friday Mini-Review: Between the Lines by Tammara Webber

Fab {Indie} Friday is a new feature that I'm starting here on Reading in the Corner to spotlight some of the indie reads that I pick up and really enjoy. It's my way of shedding some light on indie picks you shouldn't miss! (This was previously called Friday Fling, but I wanted to change the focus just slightly.)

Release Date: 19 May 2011
Publisher: Self Published
Source: Purchased

Buy It! Amazon | Barnes & Noble

Goodreads description:
When Hollywood It Boy, Reid Alexander, arrives on location to shoot his next movie, his goals are the same as always—film another blockbuster hit and enjoy his celebrity status to the fullest while doing so. His costar is a virtual unknown with whom he had blazing hot chemistry during her auditions...

Emma Pierce just got her big break after more than a decade of filming commercials for grape juice, department stores and tampons, and more recently, bit parts in made-for-TV movies. Nailing the lead role in a wide-release film sent her agent, father and stepmother into raptures, and should have done the same for her. The Problem? Emma is experiencing a building desire to be normal...

Graham Douglas doesn’t fear playing the part of a nerdy dimwit; when it comes to choosing film roles, if it pays, he’ll do it. Besides, his friend Brooke Cameron snatched up the role of the bitchy hot girl and could use his help as a buffer, because her ex is the star. Graham has no problem keeping a handle on the situation, until he finds himself attracted to Reid’s costar, Emma, the girl Reid is pursuing full-throttle with his standard arsenal of charm, good looks and arrogance.
My Thoughts...

I picked this book up on one of my B&N binges because it had a few good ratings from my GR friends and I figured...why not?  Well, let me tell you: you should read this book.  It was a fun, flirty, fabulous read.  It's set in the world of Hollywood, which is the type of setting that's just unfamiliar enough so that we, as readers, can distance ourselves from the actions of the characters but familiar enough that we can totally relate to their emotions throughout.

I liked Emma's character from the very beginning.  It helps that she's really new to the Hollywood stardom  thing because she's still very "normal."  Reid is a fairly typical Hollywood playboy, but I really liked watching him try to figure out how he really feels about Emma (and what he is and isn't willing to do to get her to be with him).  He was fun to get to know simply because there were moments when he was utterly confused about his feelings and you kind of wanted to hit him.  I mean, dude, it's called ACTUALLY caring for a girl beyond a one night stand.  And then there's Graham.  I actually really wish that we could have seen more of Graham throughout because the glimpses that we saw were awesome.  He's very genuine and not a typical Hollywood stud.

Definitely consider picking this one up! It's fun and quick to read and the writing is stellar.  And the best part is that there are two more! (One already out and another coming soon!) So you can spend lots of time with these characters. :)


  1. OOOOO... I've heard amazing things about this book.
    Thanks for informing me that the writing is amazing....

    Krazyyme @ Young Readers  

  2. What a fun idea. It seems I am getting more and more indie reads in my pile as well. Maybe when I get on the ball I can link back to you with my picks. Still wading through getting to know blogging. I am getting there!

  3. This book sounds very cute.  Love all your reviews.  I'm now a follower of yours :)  Hope you can check out my blog at brookepassmore.blogspot.com.  My blog is about my book I'm trying to put on eBooks.  It's a young adult romance about time travel if you wanted to look at it!  Great review!


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