16 December 2011

Follow Friday--Book Hoader Confessional!

Happy Friday!!

"Follow My Book Blog Friday" is a weekly meme hosted by Rachel at Parajunkee's View and Allison at Allison Can Read where bloggers make new friends, including this week's featured bloggers--Book are Vital and Once Upon a Time!!  Be sure to join in the follow fun!!

This week's question: 
Q: When you've read a book, what do you do with it? (Keep it, give it away, donate it, sell it, swap it?)
Here's where I admit to being just a bit crazy: I'm a major book hoarder.  I have 8 full bookshelves in my house and countless boxes of books stored in my parent's attic and my in-laws basement.  I am TRYING to get better about donating some to the library and/or not buying as many (for both space and financial reasons) but I can't seem to stop!  My husband simply groans when new books show up in the mail (like when my UK copy of Clockwork Prince *finally* showed up yesterday!!). So, in short, I, Jessi, am a book hoarder extraordinaire. If there was a reality TV show for book hoarders, I'm sure my husband would be first in line to sign me up. ;)
So, what do YOU do with your books? Lemme know in the comments! :)


  1. I love this! I wish I had kept all of the books I had when I was younger, but I went through a very long phase of not reading and probably only had 2 boxes of books to my name when I moved in with my then-boyfriend, now-husband. NOW, I have close to (or probably over) 700 books and I love it. I adore my books and will never part with them! Of course, once I convince my husband that I need yet another bookcase, I'm sure he'll flip. :) 

  2. I wish I had the space for 8 bookshelves.  I'm pushing it asking for a second to put in our gust room which I use as an office!!

  3. Oh i'm totally the same. thanks for stopping by and following.

    New Follower
    Aparajita- Le' Grande Codex

  4. I'm just like you, Jessi!  My family just rolls their eyes when I get a book in the mail or come home with a BN bag.  They are slowly taking over my house...but I wouldn't have it any other way!  Old follower.


  5. Christy's Book Basket16 December, 2011 11:58

    I think I would be a secret hoarder if my library wasn't so close to my house. Thanks for hopping by and new follower too. Love your blog!

  6. omgggg I wish I had the space to keep all my books!!

    Anna @ Literary Exploration

  7. Hey, I think it's totally worth it if you love the book!  I shelled out to get an Aussie version of The Piper's Son since the US version looks like a Guitar Hero ad threw up on it.   Mu husband groans, too :)

  8. I suppose there's worse things you could hoard! Don't feel too guilty. Thanks for visiting, and happy reading!

  9. Okay, I think you win. I don't have to store books as other people's houses! LOL

    Here is my Follow Friday post

    Old follower =)

  10. LOL your hubby seems to compromise for your reading xD book buying = disease! Have you thought of ebooks? maybe that will be a better alternative then banning yourself from buying books.

    Old follower:D
    This weeks Friday Fun
    -thank you&come again.

  11. Wow! Your book hoarding sounds like my yarn hoarding, except that I don't get new yarn in the mail, lol. But, I do have much more yarn than I could every possibly use and I still buy more.

  12. I have lots of books as well. It's definitely hard to part with good books. I love looking at them on the shelves!

    My Follow Friday!

  13. Dude that's a lot of books! Donating a few from the boxes would be a nice idea haha.  Thinks of the other book lovers! ^_^

  14. I am well on my way to having that many bookshelves full of books...but I want a library in my home!! haha


  15. Lol. That's great. I moved too much to start a good hoard. Well, beyond reference. 

  16. I am happy to say, I am not a hoarder I give my books away. Might as well let others enjoy them and now I only buy ebooks so I guess my Kindle is a hoarder as it will store up to 3000 books!

  17. I keep them on my book shelves for anyone else who wants to read....seems they just fly off the shelf!  But I can't give  books away..I want them back!


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