31 December 2011

Goodbye, 2011!

So, it's the time of the year when so many people are posting and talking about the "best of" from 2011, so I couldn't help but want to post some of my favorites reads from the past year.  However, how do you REALLY sit down and choose what was the best? I mean, I read a lot more this year than I have in a long time and it's hard...like, SERIOUSLY hard.  How am I supposed to choose?!?! So, for this New Year's Eve post I thought I would give it a try anyway...

Jessi's Top 10 of 2011
(in no particular order; published in 2011)

Favorite Reads of 2011
(that WEREN'T published in 2011)
Favorite Covers of 2011
(in no particular order)

 Most Anticipated Sequels of 2012
(not including the few that I've already read!)

Books I WISH I Had Read
(And plan to read ASAP in 2012 because I OWN them...)

So, there you have it.  These are just a few of my "favs" from 2011.  Seriously, I could sit here and find different categories for each and every one of the books that I loved this past year, but you honestly don't want to read a post that long, right? :)

Happy New Year!!


  1. Great picks! My fave of this year was either Abandon by Meg Cabot (just came out in paperback; if you haven't yet, check it out!) or The Faerie Ring, which I see was on your list, too. :)

    Have a Happy New Year!


  2. ggr8 list
    loved hushed aswell

  3. Awesome Jess! You spent a lot of time on this post! Here is to lots of great books in 2012!


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