26 January 2012

Cover Reveal! Updated Covers for @ElanaJ's Possession & Surrender

Last year I fell in LOVE with Elana Johnson's debut novel, Possession, as you can see from my review from last summer.  Also, you should know that I adored the original cover for Possession--it's SHINY in person and I've been known to pet it, lol.  Here's what the original cover for Possession and the originally announced cover for Surrender (which I'm DYING to read):


They're GORGEOUS, right? I love the simplicty and beauty that they convey as well as the sense of capture--important if you've read the story, right?

SO...when Elana announced that she had a secret, I jumped at the opportunity to help reveal it! Because *duh* I loved her book. :) When she told me it was new covers, I said "WHAT?! WHY?! I LOVED the old ones. :(" But, I got this beautifully pleasant surprise in my inbox that I get to share with you!



*sigh* They're beautiful! I absolutely adore the colored background with the simple item still centered on the page. I think the color enhances the images and the added contrast is wonderful. Also, the new tagline on Possession--how PERFECT is that?!  I'm a little iffy on the font, but in the end, I do really like the simplicity and clean lines.  I'm glad when they did the redesign that they kept the images. Regardless I'm just excited to be able to have Surrender on my bookshelf this year next to Possession!!

So...what do you think?!  
Leave me a comment and let me know!


  1. The covers look great!! I am so excited!  I loved Possession and can't wait to get my hands on Surrender.  :)  The color really adds something.  *happydance*

  2. I loved possessions I bought it then lent it to all my friends and they all kept asking if there was going to be a second and I told them ivwasnt sure but judging by the end there must be and here it is ! The next book it looks amazing !! I can't wait to read it , then lend it to all my friends ;D

    1. I mean possession .. Not plural ..


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