08 January 2012

In My Mailbox (23)

"In My Mailbox" is a weekly meme hosted by Kristi of The Story Siren where we can show some love to all the books that we got in the mail or otherwise!

Hello, my lovelies!!! Welcome back for the first 2012 edition of In My Mailbox (for me)!!

For Review:

The International Kissing Club by Ivy Adams (Thanks to NetGalley & Bloomsbury!)
Partials by Dan Wells (Thanks to NetGalley & HarperCollins!)
Lies Beneath by Anne Greenwood Brown (Thanks to NetGalley & Random House!)


All the most recent from Beverly Lewis, my fav. Christian author who promotes my secret love of the Amish, from my fabulous mother-in-law. :) 

Also, I got fabulous B&N gift cards for Christmas. :) (which, as you'll see below, I've already started spending.) ;)

 ARC won via Twitter giveaway from Heidi at The Readiacs! :)


So, yay for pre- and post-Christmas book shopping sprees aided by gift cards!  Some are real books and some are eBooks. :) (And not all are mentioned, lol)

  (PS~Do you SEE the contemps? Do yoU?! lol)

What's in YOUR mailbox? :)


  1. omg you have so many yummy books I've been dying to read! The Pledge,Legend, Partials and What Lies Beneath are all books I want to read so much! Great haul My IMM

  2. Bittersweet is amazing!! :D
    I started The Pledge but didn't get very far, I'll have to come back to it soon. 
    The books you got for review look really good- especially The International Kissing Club! 

  3. Lies Beneath, Partials, The Pledge; jealous...  I love the ones you bought as well.  Great haul!

    My IMM

  4. I requested Lies Beneath from netgalley. I can't wait to read it! Cinder and Legend were so good! I hope that you
    enjoy your new books!




  5. Wow, that is one amazing mailbox, and it sure looks like the giftcards were a real blessing with the amount of books you bought. :) I cannot wait to read Dragonswood and The Pledge, and I'm really curious about Bittersweet since it involves baking. Gotta love books featuring baking stories. I hope you enjoy all of your books!

    My IMM
    DJ Librarian Dishes

  6. Wow! Awesome haul! AHH! I cant wait to get myself a copy of The Pledge. The International Kissing Club is such a cute read! Enjoy all your books! :)

    My IMM: http://hopefaithbooks.blogspot.com/2012/01/in-my-mailbox-22.html

    -Brittani :)

  7. So many awesome books, Jessi!  I really hope I get approved for Lies Beneath.  I haven't read nearly enough mermaid-centered books.  Enjoy the fruits of your shopping spree!  :-D

  8. Oooo you got lots of awesome stuff this week! Cinder, Don't Breathe A Word, Heartbreakers and Love & Leftovers were all amazing! Enjoy your books!

  9. Oh great books! I want to read a lot of them! Enjoy!!!


  10. I got a bunch of Beverly Lewis books (including the first three of those above) for Christmas, too! Yay!


I love reading your comments, so go ahead and leave some love!