04 January 2012

Waiting on Wednesday (44)

"Waiting on Wednesday" is a weekly bookish meme hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine where book bloggers discuss the books that they are most anxiously waiting for! (And this fabulous button was designed by my dear blogger friend Lindsay at The Violet Hour)

This week I'm waiting on...

May B. by Caroline Starr Rose
© 10 January 2012 by Schwartz & Wade
I've known it since last night:
It's been too long to expect them to return.
Something's happened.

May is helping out on a neighbor's Kansas prairie homestead—just until Christmas, says Pa. She wants to contribute, but it's hard to be separated from her family by 15 long, unfamiliar miles. Then the unthinkable happens: May is abandoned. Trapped in a tiny snow-covered sod house, isolated from family and neighbors, May must prepare for the oncoming winter. While fighting to survive, May's memories of her struggles with reading at school come back to haunt her. But she's determined to find her way home again. Caroline Starr Rose's fast-paced novel, written in beautiful and riveting verse, gives readers a strong new heroine to love.
Tempest by Julie Cross
© 17 January 2012 by St. Martin's Griffin
The year is 2009. Nineteen-year-old Jackson Meyer is a normal guy… he’s in college, has a girlfriend… and he can travel back through time. But it’s not like the movies – nothing changes in the present after his jumps, there’s no space-time continuum issues or broken flux capacitors – it’s just harmless fun.

That is… until the day strangers burst in on Jackson and his girlfriend, Holly, and during a struggle with Jackson, Holly is fatally shot. In his panic, Jackson jumps back two years to 2007, but this is not like his previous time jumps. Now he’s stuck in 2007 and can’t get back to the future.

Desperate to somehow return to 2009 to save Holly but unable to return to his rightful year, Jackson settles into 2007 and learns what he can about his abilities.

But it’s not long before the people who shot Holly in 2009 come looking for Jackson in the past, and these “Enemies of Time” will stop at nothing to recruit this powerful young time-traveler. Recruit… or kill him.

Piecing together the clues about his father, the Enemies of Time, and himself, Jackson must decide how far he’s willing to go to save Holly… and possibly the entire world.

There are SO MANY January releases that look absolutely fabulous that I've been having a tough time choosing which ones to feature! Don't these look great? Historical fiction in verse for the first one and time travel for the second! :)

Also, I figured I would combine this post with W.W.W. Wednesdays...so here is some more info about my reading for this week! To play along, just answer the following three (3) questions…Grab the logo...and post your link at Should Be Reading!

What are you currently reading?
(Currently listening to...)

What did you recently finish reading?
What do you think you’ll read next? 

What are YOU waiting on this week?


  1. I can't wait to read Tempest. I saw it all over the place when bloggers got ARCs and I was soooo jealous. It sounds amazing. Great choice.

    My WoWKristan @ Lost Amongst the Shelves

  2. tributebooksmama04 January, 2012 11:13

    They both sound interesting, enjoy!


  3. Ohhhh I'm excited to read Tempest! I have an ARC, I just haven't gotten around to it!

    Anna @ Literary Exploration


I love reading your comments, so go ahead and leave some love!