14 February 2012

Airel-Arson-Pyxis Blog Tour: Interview with the Authors!

I'm super excited today to bring you a fun and fabulous interview with all four of the authors involved in this 3-book tour! Read on to get to know a little more about these folks and their books.  Oh yeah! And guess what?! There's a giveaway at the end! :) Read on friends...

Let’s start by introducing our readers to your books briefly! And when I say briefly, I mean 140 characters or less…like a tweet. ;) Go! 

Aaron Patterson: Airel finds out her bloodline is made up of Angel DNA. So much for being normal.
Chris White: Amethyst, Yes, Dear, Strongbox, K [phantasmagoria], The Marsburg Diary, Airel, The Great Jammy Adventures. Pen name = C.P. White.
Estevan Vega: Arson can create fire. Emery wears a creepy mask. She also likes rocker tees & converse shoes. 1 summer will change their lives forever.
K.C. Neal: One 16-year-old girl is all that stands between this world and the dark world of her dreams. But no one told her.

You all work with StonehouseInk, so tell me a little about your experiences. What made you decide to go with Stonehouse? What’s been the best part of the experience?

Aaron: I own it, so yeah, I rock! Lol. I like working with other authors and making dreams come true, that is a wonderful feeling.
Chris: The best part of working with SH is that I know the guy who owns it and we’re buds.
Estevan: I have released 4 novels with 4 different publishers. Ha. It’s kind of funny, but with each experience you learn something new. I originally released Arson with Tate Publishing, and I was killing it with signings and stuff, but didn’t feel a great connection with them. I read one of Aaron’s guest posts on J.A. Konrath’s blog, and I was intrigued by his success, and I was all like, “I totally gotta mooch off of some of that.” Ha. Anyway, after a few conversations, I knew I had to make the jump and join the Stonehouse family.
K.C.: I found StoneHouse because of that post on Konrath’s blog, too. Even though Aaron and I live in the same town – how weird is that? Hee hee. Anyway, I had planned to self-publish, but StoneHouse ended up being the ideal situation for me – I get the advantage of Aaron’s experience and connections, while still having a ton of control over all the decisions that affect my book. It’s pretty sweet!

So I’m planning a potluck dinner party with all of your MCs. What kind of food do you think they’ll bring to the party?

Aaron: Airel would buy something at a restaurant and re-package it to look homemade… just because she wants it to be perfect.
Chris: Brownies. Nobody doesn’t like Sara Lee. That’s a double negative, but it’s better than a double entendre.
Estevan: Well, Arson likes scrambled eggs with birch beer, so that’ll def be on the menu. Also, can’t go wrong with mint chocolate chip ice cream. Weird combo? Yeah, I know. Just go with it.
K.C.: Corinne would bring petits fours, of course! Maybe a quiche, too.

What’s one indie book (other than your own) that you think everyone should read?

Aaron: Corridor by Robin Parrish…the thing rocks!
Chris: I don’t read fiction. Really. I don’t. I mostly read history and really old dictionaries. I know I’m weird and I’m okay with it.
Estevan: The Road. I don’t know if this is really indie or not, because it was released with a big house. But it had a definite indie feel, and the film adaptation was very indie, so I’m hoping it counts.
K.C.: Jenny Pox by J.L. Bryan. Bryan is a very talented writer, and for me this book really stands out among indies. Be warned: it’s horror and it’s graphic. But if you like Stephen King, Jenny Pox will be right up your alley.

What a question you’ve never been asked in an interview but would love to answer? (And answer it, of course!)

Aaron: What is wrong with you? Glad you asked, I am crazy, I create worlds that don’t exist and you love me for it… so who is crazy now? lol
Chris: “Hey, Chris, is it easy to be indie, to write, to edit, to publish, to, y'know, do what you do?” My answer: Absofreegnlutely NOT. But, and this is a big Sherman tank of a but, it is worth it. Why? Because writing has to be about more than money and fame in order to be viable. At least for me. I wouldn’t, for the record, turn money and fame down, mind you. But I wouldn’t be at all satisfied if money and fame were my only reasons for striving to create good stories. There’s so much more to life.
Estevan: What’s your favorite roller coaster? Right now…El Toro. It’s at the Six Flags in New Jersey, and it really freaking rocks. Best. Wooden. Coaster. Eva. Stay fly. Spread the fire!
K.C.: What job do you have in your fantasies? Drummer in a rock band.

 The Books!

Buy It! $2.99 on Amazon.com | £2.21 on Amazon UK

Airel is a story about an angel who falls so deeply in love with a woman that he chooses to fall from heaven to be with her. She gives birth to a daughter in Arabia, 1250BC. The girl is pursued ferociously, relentlessly by an enemy in the deepest darkness. In present day Boise, Idaho is just a girl: Airel. She's just your average high school student...who turns out to be anything but average. It's because of who she is, because of her ancestry, because of her lineage. Past and present crash in on each other in the final pages as what has been twisted comes dangerously unraveled.

Arson Gable feels like a freak. He can create fire. He never asked for it. He never wanted it. But he can't shut it off. Before now, three things were true: he both loved and despised his grandmother; his life was going nowhere; and he was alone. But when a strange girl--who feels more normal behind a mask than inside her own skin--moves in next door, Arson hopes to find something he's never had: purpose. Using what he fears most about himself, Arson must face his consuming past and confront the nightmare that is his present as he walks the fine line between boy and monster.

Buy It!99c on Amazon.com | 86p on Amazon UK

Corinne lives an average teenage life working at her dad’s cafe, hanging out with her best friend, and trying to forget a falling-out with her almost-boyfriend Mason. Things take a strange turn when she uses her late grandmother’s food dyes for a bake sale, and her customers suddenly find her irresistibly alluring. Then she discovers she and Mason are haunted by the same dreams of a dark force that consumes everything in its path. Pursued by shadowy figures and a crazy woman with secrets from the past, Corinne must find out who her grandmother really was. In her quest to unravel her family’s history, she learns she is destined to protect this world--and the dark world of her dreams. She races to find the answers she seeks before her nightmares break free.
The wonderful authors who put this tour together have a couple of very special giveaways for you!  First up, here on Reading in the Corner, you can enter to win....*drumroll please*...eBook copies of all three books!  And since the giveaway is for eBooks, it's open INTERNATIONALLY! YAY!  All you have to do is fill out the super simple form with your name and email address and you're in!

Have you entered the Kindle Giveaway yet? No? Well, guess what? Here's your chance!  Just fill out the Rafflecopter below. :) [The Kindle Giveaway is part of each tour stop.]  Check out the other awesome tour stops HERE. a Rafflecopter giveaway

1 comment:

  1. Thanks so much for hosting us, Jessi! The post looks great! :D


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