17 February 2012

Friday Fling!: New @EntangledPub Books from @DianeAlberts & @Ros_Clarke


 During Friday Fling , I share with you a "just for fun" romance book or novella that I read and really enjoyed.  It will generally be a "mini review" instead of a full review.  These are books that I think are simply fun, quick reads that are definitely worth checking out!

If you've been around the blog much, you'll notice that I had kind of "retired" this feature.  I was going to replace it with "Fab {Indie} Friday," but my schedule got so hectic that NEITHER ended up making it onto the blog! However, I've been really enjoying reading some romances for fun lately so I'm *hoping* to revive this little feature (maybe biweekly) with a slight twist that it will feature romance (adult and YA) reading that I do. :-)  Also, largely, I wanted a good way to showcase these two books...

(The images should take you to Goodreads--I highly suggest you add both of these!)

Publisher: Ever Afters (Entangled Publishing)
Release Date: 14 February 2012
Get it! (for only $2.99!) Amazon | B&N
Johanna, the reserved, slightly OCD Kindergarten teacher, is shocked when she wakes up on Valentine's Day with a man in her bed...and a gorgeous British man at that.  Viscount Damon Hayes is just as shocked to find that Johanna doesn't even know who he is! When Damon finds out that he must marry on short notice and Johanna is up for bidding at a charity date-night auction, the pieces fall in place for a proposal that she never sees coming...and a shot at love that neither expected.

Both of the characters in this one are absolutely fabulous.  Johanna is definitely a force to be reckoned with. She's fierce and guarded and loyal.  Damon is most definitely a swoon-worthy male lead that I would grab up in a second.  The two of them together make a fabulously sexy couple and I could not WAIT for Damon to break through Johanna's barriers.  This is a romance novella that you'll start and finish is a single setting because the tension, romance, and absolute sexiness won't let you put the book down!

Publisher: Flirt (Entangled Publishing)
Release Date: 14 February 2012
Get it! (for only $0.99!) Amazon | B&N
Food critic Claudia Thomas finds herself suddenly dateless on Valentine's Day with reservations at an exclusive restaurant (for work, of course).  When head chef Ward Nicholls sees that she is dining alone, he decides to seduce her with a tantalizing and seductive menu.  But when Claudia's true jounalistic intentions are discovered, Ward feels betrayed and kicks her out.  But neither can forget their brief, intense encounter...

I flew through this novella! It's sweet and sexy and pretty much everything I was looking for in a romantic novella.  I would have loved to spend more time with these two characters as I felt like I was just getting to know them. Claudia and Ward are both fabulous and sympathetic characters.  Each has a bit of baggage that we get the briefest glimpse of.  The food plays perfectly into the story and makes you dream of a food encounter such as this. You'll fly through the (far too few) pages of this novel and revel in their sensual encounters.


  1. This is a fun litte feature! I like mini reviews. That second cover is smexy and delicious! Have a great weekend Jess!


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