19 February 2012

In My Mailbox (25)

"In My Mailbox" is a weekly meme hosted by Kristi of The Story Siren where we can show some love to all the books that we got in the mail or otherwise!

Hello, my lovelies!!! I feel like it's been quite awhile since I did one of these...so I have a LOT to share...but I don't think I'll share quite everything. Just a few somethings...or as much as I have patience to add. ;-)

For Review:

Confession: Me and NetGalley probably need to take a "break." My queue is almost unmanageable and I seem to have a compulsive habit to request books and get overly excited despite my lengthy review queue and extensive school and work obligations.  But...for your viewing pleasure, here is the latest list of things that NG has brought my way. :)

Thank you to NetGalley & Houghton Mifflin Harcourt! For some reason I thought this one wasn't on NG anymore and I've been dying to read it. I was super excited when it was still there and they accepted my request!

Thanks to NetGalley & Candlewick! I've been reading more contemporary stuff lately so these really caught my eye!

Thanks to NetGalley & ABRAMS/Amulet! Can I be honest and say that the cover change for this one was what solidified my decision to request it? Shallow as that may seem...

Thanks to NetGalley & Macmillan Children's Publishing Group! These weren't labeled as Teens & YA or Children's so I almost didn't find them!! I'm so excited that I did...and that I'm auto-approved with Macmillan. ;) <3

Thanks to NetGalley & Marshall Cavendish! I was super excited and surprised to see both of these titles on NG and I requested them right away! I've already finished The Other Life and loved it. Can't wait to get started with The Forgetting Curve, although I may give Momento Nora a quick re-read.

Thanks to Entangled Publishing for passing this along! I've been really excited to read it ever since I had the opportunity to participate in the cover reveal. 


Coupons and birthday gift cards/money galore!!
 These ebooks from Entangled Publishing were FABULOUS Valentine's/romance reads. I HIGHLY recommend that you check them out! (AND, they're inexpensive, quick reads! DO IT.)

Table for One (for only $0.99!) Amazon | B&N
On One Condition (for only $2.99!) Amazon | B&N

What's in YOUR mailbox? :)


  1. Where do I even start, I'm a little overwhelmed!!! WHOA.
    I've read The Other Life already (NG ♥♥♥) and I'm reading The Peculiars right now. The Other Life was quite good, but I can't say the same about The Peculiars. I was drawn by the absolutely stunning cover (why do I do this to myself...?) but the book is a bit... boring. I force myself to read it. :( Shame.

    I really liked Article 5 and can't wait to read A Million Suns later. And I'm curious about your opinion about Everneath, since it's not one of my fav reads this year despite its rave reviews. ;)

    My IMM is here. <3

  2. I love the new cover for Peculiars; it's in my queue as well.  I'll be checking out the Macmillan books now.  I loved Born Wicked and A Million Suns.  You have a lot of great books to read now!

    My IMM

  3. The Princesses of Iowa looks really good. I hope you enjoy everything you got this week! Come check out my IMM!


  4. Holy crap, I don't even know where to begin.

    Um, we have a lot of the same netgalley books. :D And I want your book haul for this week, because it's amazing!

    Nerd Girls at Books to the Sky

  5. you got some amazing books this past week! I hope you enjoy! 


I love reading your comments, so go ahead and leave some love!