02 February 2012

SSC - February giveaway!

The year is well underway now! I hope you've had a chance to check out one or more of the fantastic sequels that were released in January! I know I only got around to one (Hallowed by Cynthia Hand) and it was fabulous!  Don't forget that there's a link-up post where you can share your reviews for the challenge. It is a bi-monthly thing so use the same post for February reviews as you did for the January ones (or go link some posts if you haven't done so yet!)
February Sequel Releases:
*Books you can consider reading for the challenge!
  • Pandemonium (Delirium #2) by Lauren Oliver
  • A Touch Morbid (A Touch Mortal #2) by Leah Clifford
  • The Wood Queen (The Iron Witch #2) by Karen Mahoney
  • The Nightmare Garden (The Iron Codex #2) by Caitlin Kittredge
  • Fever (The Chemical Garden #2) by Lauren DeStefano
  • A Beautiful Evil (Gods & Monsters #2) by Kelly Keaton
  • Allegiance (Legacy #2) by Cayla Kluver
First up, the winner of the January SSC giveaway was...

Michelle @ Book Briefs!!
Also, I have the second SSC giveaway coming at you! This month, I'm giving you a choice of a paperback release of the first book in a series (with a 2012 sequel or companion coming out).  Maybe you missed this title last year or maybe you borrowed it from the library and never got your own copy.  Whatever the case may be, here are the choice's for this month's giveaway!


a Rafflecopter giveaway

1 comment:

  1. Heather (ham1299)02 March, 2012 20:36

    I went to add my February books to the Linky, and it's closed. Are you planning a new linky for Feb/March reviews?


I love reading your comments, so go ahead and leave some love!