30 March 2012

Friday Fling! - Two more @EntangledPub authors to fall in love with!


During Friday Fling , I share with you a "just for fun" romance book or novella that I read and really enjoyed.  It will generally be a "mini review" instead of a full review and I'll often stray from my YA focus into the realm of adult romance (which, in case you're curious, is my guilty pleasure).  These are books that I think are fun, quick reads that are definitely worth checking out!

As I mentioned last week, I went on a romance reading binge not too long ago.  I got away with it because that's what we were studying in class that week and I could tell my hubby that it was homework. ;)  Here are two more of the fabulous titles that I devoured.

Publisher: Indulgence (Entangled Publishing)
Release Date: 14 February 2012
Get it! Amazon | B&N
As a result of a business disagreement (or really, disaster), Kizzy Dean is forced to accompany Andreas Lazarides to Greece, where he promises her employment.  The tension between the two runs high as Kizzy alternately wants to strangle and ravish the man.  The two are a well-matched  pair and temptations eventually win out...

Kizzy and Andreas are a phenomenal pair to watch.  Their sexual tension is sky-high and their relationship is anything but docile and easy.  Andreas is definitely the alpha-male type who's used to gold-digging women and never being told no, and Kizzy is definitely a challenge for him.  She 's not willing to cave to his every desire and it makes the tension truly explode between the two. This one has absolutely GORGEOUS settings, sizzling sexy times, and fabulous characters for you to fall in love with.

Publisher:  Indulgence (Entangled Publishing)
Release Date: 14 February 2012
Get it!  Amazon | B&N

Brit is known as The Slayer for his ruthlessness in the boardroom...and the bedroom.  When he meets high-powered attorney Tori Anderson, his plans to seduce her for information are shot to hell when he finds himself actually falling for a woman for the first time. As their one-night-stand turns into a fling and then possibly more, will their relationship survive his initial deceit?

With another sexy alpha-male, how can you go wrong?! Tori is also simple stunning to read about. She's ferocious in her career and she stands up for herself, yet she's vulnerable in many ways when you consider how she cares for her mother and her simple desire to feel like a woman.  This story is simply delightful--two people who micro-manage their lives becoming helpless in the face of love and a respite from their loneliness. 

1 comment:

  1. Rachel Lyndhurst30 March, 2012 11:44

    Nice one, Jessi! Glad you enjoyed Kidnapped by the Greek Billionaire!


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