09 April 2012

@EntangledPub Cover Reveal! Greta & the Goblin King by @Jacobs_Chloe

If you stop by frequently, then you know that I kind of, sort of, REALLY love Entangled Publishing.  Their cover reveals have all been FABULOUS.  Their novels have been superb. I think that they do a really great job. Anyway, you're REALLY here for the cover reveal, right? Not just to see how much I love Entangled? Well then...here you go!

Publisher: Entangled Publishing
Release Date: 13 November 2012
While trying to save her brother four years ago, Greta was thrown into the witch’s fire herself, falling through a portal to a dangerous world where humans are the enemy, and every ogre, goblin, and ghoul has a dark side that comes out with the full moon.

To survive, seventeen-year-old Greta has hidden her humanity and taken the job of bounty hunter—and she’s good at what she does. So good, she’s caught the attention of Mylena’s young Goblin King, the darkly enticing Isaac, who invades her dreams and undermines her determination to escape.

But Greta’s not the only one looking to get out of Mylena. The full moon is mere days away, and an ancient evil knows she’s the key to opening the portal. If Greta fails, she and the lost boys of Mylena will die. If she succeeds, no world will be safe from what follows her back…

Isn't the cover great?! It has a very fairy tale/fantasy flair to it that I really like.  I think it captures the mood of the story (at least based on the description).

Add it to your "To Read" List on Goodreads!
Pre-order the paperback from Barnes & Noble

About the Author:
Chloe Jacobs is a native of nowhere and everywhere, having jumped around to practically every Province of Canada before finally settling in Ontario where she has now been living for a respectable number of years. Her husband and son are the two best people in the entire world, but they also make her wish she'd at least gotten a female cat. No such luck. And although the day job keeps her busy, she carves out as much time as possible to write. Bringing new characters to life and finding out what makes them tick and how badly she can make them suffer is one of her greatest pleasures, almost better than chocolate and fuzzy pink bunny slippers.

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Check back in September for an excerpt from the story!!

So, what do you think of the cover! Leave some thoughts for Chloe & Entangled!


  1. Great cover! I think it captures the story as well.

    Safari Poet

  2. Heidi@Rainy Day Ramblings11 April, 2012 12:44

    Very pretty cover. I like the premise too. Thanks for sharing!


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