04 May 2012

Friday Fling! New Titles from @EntangledPub!


During Friday Fling , I share with you a "just for fun" romance book or novella that I read and really enjoyed.  It will generally be a "mini review" instead of a full review and I'll often stray from my YA focus into the realm of adult romance (which, in case you're curious, is my not-so-guilty pleasure).  These are books that I think are fun, quick reads that are definitely worth checking out!

I have a new favorite romance publisher and it's not a secret at all!
It's really probably pretty obvious if you look at the majority of my Friday Fling! posts. Entangled Publishing has been featured more than any other publisher.  They really put out quality stories and they (in my opinion) price most of them at a very reasonable $2.99, which makes me pick almost all of them up the instant that they come out.  If you haven't read an Entangled romance...why not?!

Publisher: Ever Afters (Entangled Publishing)
Release Date: 25 April 2012
Get it! Amazon | B&N
Rebecca is not your typical angel, especially with hr penchant for swearing. But a dark and difficult past led her to accept the potential for redemption as an angel.  Her first assignment, however--the one to help her earn her wings--is proving more difficult than anticipated. Tony Weis and his adorable daughter tempt Rebecca with the possibilities of a life that she's given up. Will an accident, anmesia, and the devotion of a man weaken her resolve to accept her calling as an angel?

Diane Alberts has crafted a wonderful angel love story--and not the type of angel story that you'd generally think of first! Her wonderfully flawed characters will pull at your heartstrings and capture your imagination. Rebecca and Tony have this crazy-awesome relationship that begins pretty much with this: R-"Hey, I'm an angel and I'm here to save your soul." T-"F* off, crazy lady."  Makings of a great relationship, right?! The pages fly by as you fall in love with Miranda (Tony's daughter), watch her melt Rebecca's heart, and witness Tony falling in love for the first time since Miranda's mom left him. I adored the way that their romance developed throughout their time together. It was touching to see how each could make be influential in essentially thawing the heart of the other because both of them had some immense hurt in their past. It's a great, quick read that will have you waiting for more from Diane Alberts.

Publisher:  Ever Afters (Entangled Publishing)
Release Date: 25 April 2012
Get it!  Amazon | B&N

Samantha Bennett is finally going to get a solid job that will help her prove to her father that she's capable of succeeding on her own. Too bad it turns out her competition is none other than Dean Malloy, the boy her broke her heart 5 years ago and she's never gotten over.  While they wait to find out who will win the contract, the two spend an electric weekend together--but will they really be able to go their separate ways at the end?

Sam and Dean are both strong-willed people who are passionate about the work they do. I loved Sam's determination to find her own path in the world and walk away from her father's law firm when she found what truly inspired her. Dean's devotion to his family, despite his differences with his father, was also truly refreshing to read--I always appreciate a family that can try to resolve their issues. The professional tension between them as they battle for their desire to win the one thing that will make their individual careers dissolves in moments of pent-up passion that's been hidden away for years since their mutual heartbreak over each other. Worth the Risk is truly everything that Charlene Sands' blurb says it is: "smart, sexy, [and] delightfully sexy"


  1. I'm late as usual but I've been sick and haven't been able to see some of my bloggers lately!

    I want Divinely Ruined, I'm into angel books lately! Well, I'm into a lot of books lately, LOL, but I'm reading a lot of Angel books lately!

    Everytime I come here I want to ask you 'Can I please, please live in your header?" LOL! I love it, I don't know who designed it but I adore it! I want to live there, seriously!

    Great Friday Picks. Thanks for sharing!

  2. Heidi@Rainy Day Ramblings06 May, 2012 20:03

    Agree, they have some good titles, just finished Pretty Amy and will have it up on the blog next week. I like that almost all their books are in the $2.99 range. Good affordable titles what's not to like. Hope you are surviving the last few weeks of your semester.


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