19 May 2012

Saturday Morning Shorts (1)

Reading books is and should be just for fun sometimes! We can't always write out detailed reviews that pick apart or break-down the books we've read and enjoyed, so I've decided to throw a few mini-reviews up on books that I've flown through recently.

There will probably be minor spoilers in most of these since they're parts of series, so read on with caution, especially if you haven't started a series!!

Series: Shade #3
Release Date: 1 May 2012
Publisher: Simon Pulse
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Shine was an absolutely stunning conclusion to a trilogy that many, many readers have/can/should fall in love with.  Jeri Smith-Ready really delivers a perfect ending to her trilogy. PERFECT.  This book opens with a bang--almost literally--with a disaster that will have you on the edge of your seat. That tension is maintained throughout the book and you'll keep turning the pages (well into the late-night hours, if you're like me). The relationship between Aura and Zachary really develops as Aura moves on (now that Logan has moved on) and the two are finally able to more deeply explore their feelings for each other. They are both put through the ringer emotionally (and physically) and it causes little rough spots in their relationship--but those things happen in real life when we go through devastating things so they really make the relationship more real! If you haven't picked up this conclusion (or the first two), you're really missing out and I suggest you do so ASAP.
Series: Bumped #2
Release Date: 24 April 2012
Publisher: Balzery + Bray
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In the sequel to last year's Bumped, Megan McCafferty has crafted an awesome conclusion to the story of Melody and Harmony, twins separated at birth and now the most famous pair of girls in the country.  Their "Double Double Due Date" is national news and their adoring fans follow their every move--even though the pair is keeping a whopper of a secret! I, personally, think I enjoyed this sequel even more than its predecessor! The lingo is familiar now and really seemed less prominent this time around.  We get a lot more insight into the girls and their personal feelings and struggles than we did in the first book and I liked the action and suspense that was built right into the story.  Minor characters like Johndoe and Ram really shine in this book as well as they take on larger roles in the overall story. The conclusion seems fitting and pulls things together rather neatly.  This two-book satirical dystopia is a fun set to read and I highly suggest that if you're looking for something that falls on the "lighter" side of dystopian reads, pick these up!
Series: Goddess Test #1.5
Release Date: 1 March 2012
Publisher: Harlequin Teen
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In this in-between novella, we get a bit of a glimpse of Kate's time between 6-month periods in the Underworld.  She's been traveling in Greece with James when they seemingly get lost and have a chance encounter Castor and Pollux. (Hmm...did you really get lost James? I do not think so...)  The pair have been on the run from the gods for centuries and Kate, the new soon-to-be-Queen of the Underworld, is practically the last person they want to see.  However, Kate is determined to help them.  We get fresh insight into her fierce and loyal personality.  We also get moments from Henry's POV in this one that I really liked. This novella is really a great bridge between The Goddess Test and Goddess Interrupted and it's definitely one not to miss if you enjoyed the first book. You'll want this glimpse into both Kate and Henry before you dive into book 2 and really, for less than $2, how can you refuse?

Series: The Mortal Instruments #1
Release Date:  27 March 2007
Publisher: Margaret K. McElderry Books
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The Mortal Instruments is one of those series that has been on most peoples' radars for quite some time (well, since it came out in 2007).  While it's been on my to-read list for awhile, I have to admit that it was a class assignment to read a bestseller that finally gave me that little push to actually read this one.  There's so much hype surrounding this series that I don't feel like I really need to go into detail on the story so we'll stick with my minimalistic thoughts.  I enjoyed this book--but it wasn't my favorite novel by any means.  Clary and Jace are perhaps a wee-bit stereotypical YA characters in that they are seemingly normal, but wait, they aren't actually and they're really super special. That aside, I enjoyed the fast-paced action that this story had and honestly, I felt like Cassandra Clare really did craft a good story. There were enough twists that the story kept you on your toes and the right mix of action, suspense, and a sprinkling to romance.  It's definitely worth reading if you're interested and want to know what all the hype is about and I'll more than likely pick up at least the next book or two to see where the story goes.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with a lot of what you said about City of Bones.  The Mortal Instruments is by no means a bad series--I would highly recommend it.  But honestly, now that I think about it, I mostly kept reading becuase I liked Jace's character so much. 


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