25 June 2012

(ARC) YA Book Review: Stealing Parker by Miranda Kenneally

Release Date: 1 October 2012
Publisher: Sourcbooks Fire
Format: ARC
Source: Around the World ARC Tours

Goodreads description:
After a scandal rocks their conservative small town, 17-year-old Parker Shelton goes overboard trying to prove that she won't turn out like her mother: a lesbian. The all-star third-baseman quits the softball team, drops 20 pounds and starts making out with guys--a lot. But hitting on the hot new assistant baseball coach might be taking it a step too far...especially when he starts flirting back.
My Thoughts...
Catching Jordan convinced me that Miranda Kenneally has a certain flair for writing about high school in such a way that it seems so very real.  Stealing Parker is a home-run companion novel that puts Ms. Kenneally's spot-on writing on display once again.  The characters and situations ring true to the experiences of normal high school students--from the disappointments, confusion, and uncertainty to the sweet moments of happiness that pop up and surprise you.

Parker is a very confused young woman.  When her mother left their family, Parker felt like everything fell apart both at home and at school. Her journey is one of heart-breaking pain on the road to eventual healing.  Parker is like so many high school girls who must deal with the cattiness that is, well, high school girls, the drama, and the desire to "grow up" (or at least to act like a grown up). The situations that she encounters felt very much like things that I experienced in high school, and I really appreciated that she made wrong decisions along the way and stuck by them in that stubborn teenager way.

Her friends are also a really fabulous addition to this novel. Drew, her best friend, is a great guy and I love that he was there through everything that went down with her mom.  Even when he finds out about her "more than just a crush" with the baseball coach, he's willing to stand by her.  Corndog/Will was also a really fun character to get to know along the way.  He's got a lot of depth that the reader discovers in brief snippets along the way, which was a surprising and welcome addition.  Of course, Jordan and Sam Henry make token appearances as well. :)

The story as a whole makes you want to laugh and cry alongside Parker.  I found myself very attached to her character and her friends--the mark of a good character and story for me.  Ms. Kenneally's sophomore novel is every bit as fabulous to read as her first was and it will satisfy her fans once again. To put it simply: Stealing Parker is fun and filled with laughter and romance with a side of heartbreak.


  1. This book sounds way more intense than I expected it to be. I'm glad you enjoyed it, though. I'd like to check out this author soon.

  2. Low Platelets25 June, 2012 10:49

    I recently came across your blog and have been reading along. I thought I would leave my first comment. I don't know what to say except that I have enjoyed reading. Nice blog. I will keep visiting this blog very often.


    Low Platelets Treatment

  3. Great review! I'm glad to hear it doesn't disappoing. :)
    Would you say I'd have to read Catching Jordan before this one? I've ehard it's a companion to Catching Jordan so I'm assuming they're connected in a way...

  4. She's definitely an author to check out! CJ & SP were both really great reads. :)

  5. I don't think that you have to read CJ first. The connection is the setting and the characters have friends in common. (Although I do recommend both as they were both fun reads!)

  6. This sounds really great!! I still have to read Catching Jordan, but I have this on my TBR list too!! I know it's a companion novel, but I want to read Catching Jordan first. Awesome review!

  7. Awesome review, Jessi! I am on an upcoming ARC tour for this one, so I need to be preparing to read it... I'm going to read Catching Jordan first, of course, because I know it's a companion type novel. I'm really super glad you liked this one, and I just love how you described it. :)


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